Title:There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey
s0methingwick3dRating: R
Pairing: Mikey/Alicia, Gerard/Bert, Jeph/Frank, Pete/Patrick
Summary:I want you all to feel as if my home is your home.
Author's Notes: I needs a new beta. any takers? **bat eyelash, bat eyelash**
Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter Three Chapter Four:
Somehow, all the guests made their way to the central room of the huge estate--the huge living room. All the stairs and hallways eventually led back to it, as if it were the center of a black hole. Mikey and Alicia were talking amimatedly in the corner, and she occasionally put her hand on his arm. Bob was busy setting out small dishes of snacks, and Frank was leading Bert, Gerard, and Jepha. Pete and Patrick were the last to arrive; Pete had completely changed his outfit, (and his hair), and then the two got lost and had to ask Quinn to lead them.
Brenden swept down the wide, main stairs and began in a friendly, cheerful voice. "Why hello everyone! It's so nice to see that you could all make it. I like to have these little weekend parties alot--you might have noticed, although all of you are first timers." He grinned at them. "I don't usually get down to the city often, so I like to bring people up here to the backwoods to get all the news."
Everybody was put to various states of ease by this. Mikey was disapointed that Alicia had gone to stand by the wall with all the other butlers, so he wasn't paying attention, Gerard thought Brenden was too affected and overly dressed, and therefore didn't exactly trust him but sisn't want to seem even more reclusive than his reputation already said, Bert had heard it all before and was giggling to something Jepha had said about their "hot" butler. Pete was busy giving Patrick a reassuring glance after the latter got intimidated again by Brenden's obvious wealth. And the last, "special" guest to arrive was too busy taking notes on everyone else to care.
"I want you all to feel as if my home is your home. My servants Frank, Alicia, Bob, and Quinn--led by Mr. Smyth, who brought you in--are quite ready to help you with whatever you need. Dinner is served at seven, so until then you can explore as much as you want. The grounds are quite extensive, and if you want to prowl around, ask Bob--" Brendan pointed him out."--He doubles as the gardener, and knows more about the grounds than I do. Have fun everyone, and I'll see you at dinner!"
Everybody murmered thanks and other pleasantries, and then Mikey and Alicia disappeared again. Bob was talking to Patrick, who wanted to know if there was a greenhouse, while Patrick chatted amicably with Brenden himself.
Gerard turned to Bert. "So. Do you, uhh, want to hang out until dinner?"
Bert gave him the hundred-watt smile that often scared and entraced his peers. "Sure!"
They wandered towards the Kitchen." What's your favorite color?" Bert asked.
"Black. Yours?"
"Red. I like it because it reminds me of warm things. Nobody's really ever asked me before, except my mom when I was a kid."
Gerard looked at him. "What, you and your many friends don't talk about the existentialities of life while you're out partying 24/7?"
It came out more cutting than he meant it to, and Bert flashed him a hurt look. "Look, I know I have a bad reputation. And I earned it, I'm not ashamed of it at all--but that's not all I am as a person, y'know? Despite what you and everybody else may think. I have feelings, they just don't happen that often. But, y'know, they're like...there."
Gerard smiled and put his hand on Bert''s shoulder. He guessed that was just about as eloquent as he ever got, and Gerard found it charming that he'd tried, despite himself. "I'm sorry it came out like that, Bert. I really don't think you're a terrible person just because you like to have fun. I guess it's just that...I'm not used to being wealthy. My Grandma just died, and I loved her, you know? Not just because she had money, I mean, she was my Grandma." Gerard stopped for a moment because the ache was back, then looked up. "So I keep to myself and I don't trust you guys easily. I still don't know why you seem to want to be my friend--"
"Because I think you're nice!" Bert smiled. "And you're hot. Isn't that enough?"
Gerard gave him a strange look. "I knew it. You're going to have sex with me and then break my heart and go back to the city and forget who I am!"
Bert looked shocked. "Of course I wouldn't do that!! I mean, yeah, I have before, but you're different! I can't believe you'd think--"
"Bert," Gerard interupted, laughing. "I was just joking. Come on, let's go see if this place has a decent pool table, somewhere."
Bob hurried to catch up with Brenden before he disappeared again. "Mr. Urie!"
Brenden turned around. Even though Bob was taller than him, he still seemed to be looking down on the amiable butler.
"Do you want to keep the maze off-limits again, sir? It's stopped raining so hard, and two of the guests want to check out the grounds--"
Brenden looked into the middle distance for a second before turning back to Bob. "No, you can let them into it," he said. "Let's make this game a little more interesting, shall we?"
And he strolled away, leaving Bob wondering what the hell he meant.