Drabble Request

Jun 28, 2011 21:24

Hello there, it's been so long since I've really written something to you guys XD.

Anyway, to thank all of you for reading and commenting, here is a chance for you guys to request! :D Most works written would end up being drabbles (of exact 100 words), unless I felt the plot needs a little more development, then it might be longer than that.

I'm not going into lengthy request forms because you're getting a short fic from me only.

All you have to do is give me a pairing (it can be within U-KISS, crossovers, or out of U-KISS), and a one word prompt. Do not give me a genre, because I would think of it as a prompt instead. Also, please forgive me if the drabble isn't good, because for one, if you chose a crossover / out of U-KISS fic, there is a high chance I would write them out of character. 100 words is also not a lot for me to use, but I don't want to really busy myself with writing out so many requests, so please do forgive me anyhow. <3

Please also try not to repeat prompts others have stated. I'd make a list here :).

Request List:
1. Kemaru - Avatar
2. JongKey - Fluff
3. Kemaru - Stars
4. Kevin/KwangHee - Balsamic Sauce
5. Kemaru - Phone
6. Kibum/Youngsaeng - Romance
7. Kemaru - Broken
8. MinJoon - Marriage
9. MinWook - Rose Petals
10. swimmingcheese/s2_otter - Miss
11. DongBum - Birthday
12. EliXander - Aphrodite
13. 2SHIN - Words that hurt me
14. ElVin - Cheesy pick-up lines
15. XanHo - Lonely Birthday
16. Kemaru - Guitar
17. Kemaru, Kyusaeng - Exchange
18. Kemaru - Morning Kisses
19. EliXander - Fragile
20. SooSeop - Tom & Jerry
21. Soohyun/Eli - Wolves
22. EliSeop - Whisper

Once again, thank you all for your support, and even requesting if you end up doing so. Requests are of course, sent to me as a reply to this post :). If you would like a notification the minute it is up, give me your twitter name / whatever means of contact so I could notify you :)!

P.S. There is no limit as to how many drabbles you can request, but if it is your second / third / etc. time, then I would put others as priorities. I'd still get your fic done, but of course it would be nice for those who haven't got their fic to have a chance first :)!

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