# LiveJournal Tags List and Redirector #
# by lj:kunzite1, posted by lj:xtomxfallsx #
# Component: component-help/873563 #
# Opal: s2layers/64439 #
var string k1TRheader = "Tags In This Journal"; # set the boxheader text, you can change this to whatever you want
var string k1TRbutton = "Go"; # button text, change it to whatever you want
var bool k1TRblank = true; # set to true to create a blank option at top the list, or false not to
# No need to change anything below this line (unless you know what you are doing!)
var string k1TRbase_url = $.journal->base_url();
var string k1TRcontent = "";
var TagDetail[] k1TRtags = $this->visible_tag_list();
foreach var TagDetail k1TRtag ($k1TRtags) {
$k1TRcontent = $k1TRcontent + """$k1TRtag.name\n""";
$k1TRcontent = """
print_box($k1TRheader, $k1TRcontent);