How can I guarantee that the settings for my current layout will be saved even if I change it? I am paid, and I want to change my layout, but be able to go back to my current one if needed.
I have a small suggestion, and that would be to have a small hoverlink option available in the customizations, just an option to underline the link on hover or vice versa. (I've noticed this is available in other layout styles). Frankly, the layout is great and I wouldn't bother to make a whole new layer just for that one effect...great job on it!
I've just recently switched over to Quite Lickable, and I'm really liking it. However, I've hit a bit of a snag. I'm trying to figure out a way to call different background and title bar pictures on the friends page, but my grasp of S2 is a bit too shaky for that. Anyone care to lend me a hand on this?
I love Lickable, but it appears to die in Safari-not to mention IE for Mac, which gives me the rainbow cursor of doom when I even try to load it. This wouldn't be a problem for me (I use Firefox) except that most of the people at my school use Safari. I'm not so technically skilled, so... Er, help?
So, I've just been trying to mess around with my journal, and have found Quite Lickable to be great, really easy to understand the workings, and for a coding-scaredy-cat like me, thats super-fantastic
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Hi there. Is it possible to make friends' userpics appear at the top and and the left of their posts in the friends page? It would be really nice. And also is there by any chance a way to put a horizontal ruler in between friends' posts? Thanks.