Title: The Hero, the Duck and the Butler
Pairing/Group: Sho + Aiba-chan + duck
Rating/Warnings: PG
Summary: Whereas Sho needs to rescue a princess and a hero comes along.
Note: It's a little bit off and I am not sure if I filled in to your likes, but I had fun while writing and re-reading through this. Hope you like it!~ :D
His journeys are far and the trek through the woods makes it seem even more so. His eyes squint as he looks up at the clear blue sky that seems to be able to peak through the dense trees canopies. He stumbles as he steps forward while looking up at the sky and sighs tiredly.
Behind him, there's a really irritating noise becoming louder and louder, he looks back and notices the duck waddling its way to him. He stops momentarily, waiting for it.
It had been cute, at first anyway, before its quaking became too much. Once the duck managed to waddle its way to him, he looks down at it and receives a stare he was so sure that it was demanding something from him.
“Well...I suppose I could carry you,” he murmurs, thinking about taking a faster pace - and if he was to do that, he needed to take action in regards to this duck - with a resigned sigh, he leaned down and picked up the duck, instantly earning a quack of what he likes to believe is of approval.
'Ah. Finally. A place to practice,' he thought, his red headband tightly knotted around his head as his white outfit practically glowed with the sunlight hitting him directly.
He'd been looking for the perfect spot and where else, if not for the open forest, so wide and being directly assaulted by the bright noon sun. He can absorb its rays of goodness and shine forever more.
After a couple of minutes of jumping around, kicking haphazardly and jumping from the highest mountains - not like he was crazy, that rock that was just a couple of inches tall was good enough - he began to feel the effects.
The sun hitting directly on his back, burning him despite the clothes - his super awesome outfit he designed himself - and the sweat trickling down his temple to his chin and that one drop of sweat that slid down his spine, did he ran into hiding behind a tree.
“Ah. Yes. This is refreshing,” he murmurs, fanning himself with his hand.
He looks around the area and thinks quietly to himself - perhaps it would have been a good idea to bring something to drink - before shaking his head.
“Nah. It's a matter of endurance!!”
Five minutes later, he was regretting it.
That is until his attention was distracted by the loud squealing of a - girl? -
“Have no fear! Aiba-chan is here!” he yells as he stands up, immediately stumbling on a branch growing out of the earth and falling on his face. Instantly, he gets up, brushing his once brand new and clean outfit, forgetting to brush off the grass sticking to his hair and the dirt that was on his chin and tip of the nose.
It wasn't his fault. Really. Okay, so maybe it was.
Actually, he's just going to blame the duck. Seems logical. Only that, well there was no way that a duck could have pushed him over the edge of the cliff - causing him to scream and grasp the nearest thing before he fell - to the next small cliff.
“Oh,” he says eloquently, scratching his head and looking over the edge of his doom; the duck was looking at him; judging him.
“How was I suppose to know,” he murmurs, trying his best to avoid those judging eyes of the duck. He could just leave him there, his mind throws in. He really could, he thinks maliciously, before he sighs.
“Come on,” he says, reaching over and picking up the duck.
The duck quacks once, then twice and then goes into a frenzy.
“Geez, what's wrong with you?” he asks, looking around, squeezing the duck unconsciously, only managing to make the duck quack louder.
His pose is pretty heroic, if he had to say so himself - the minor incident that happened just a moment ago forgotten - and focused his eyes on the male in front of him. He was dressed very Prince Charming, like.
“Have no fear! Aiba-chan is here!” He looks around but doesn't see a girl - a princess! - in sight.
Said man only blinked, looked around and blinked again.
Aiba can't believe this. Did this man not know that there was someone in great danger!
“Fear not, Prince! I will save your Princess!” Aiba swore, doing his pose after throwing random kicks to the air.
“See. This is why we should have turned the other way,” The 'Prince' is already walking away, murmuring and shaking his head as he talked to himself. The duck merely quacked once and then just sat on his arm.
“No! Prince!” Aiba runs after him. What if the Prince was also in danger. After all, these woods were very danger! He gasps and runs faster.
He's tackled to the ground and the duck goes flying only to land almost too gracefully on the grass in front of him as it flapped its wings.
“What the - get off you, you...whoever you are!” he squeaks as his head is pressed to the ground and hears a loud shushing noise close to his ear.
“I just saved your life!” the weirdly dressed man hisses, pressing his head more into the ground. He tries to speak but his words are muffled.
“Fear not, I will guide you to - Huh? I don't understand.” The lunatic was leaning more, making it worse.
Finally he had enough and with whatever strength he had, he pushed the man off of him.
“I said I couldn't breath! What's wrong with you? Save my life? From what? The tree?!” He snaps. Just what he needed. For his long journey to be dragged by this man weirdly dressed.
“Trees can be poisonous, you know,” Said that man, he can't help but narrow his eyes. “you have something on your face,” he receives in return to his gaze and reaches over to brush his face.
“No. Here. No. It's not there, wait...nevermind.” Sho gave up and looked towards the duck that seemed to be amused. Amused!
“My name is not Prince, it's Sho,” he says. Leaning down to brush his clothes.
Ah well, he thinks, reaching down again to pick the duck up.
“Wait! I can be your protector and we need to find your Princess!” He twitches.
“You do want to save the Princess, don't you? I heard her screaming before I heroically emerged from the trees!”
Sho blinks and flushes at the realization. He turns around and rolls his eyes.
“That was me.”
Aiba blinks then looks at the duck as if it will give him an explanation, then turns his gaze back.
“Where did you say you were heading?” Aiba asks instead.
“I didn't tell you anything.” Sho says, clearly embarrassed and annoyed.
“So...where are you heading?” Aiba asks again. Walking forward to take the lead.
Sho sighs, looks at the duck and decides that this 'Aiba-chan' will go away once he takes him along with his journey, there is no way someone like that will be serious enough to follow him.
He shrugs and walks to be steps close to Aiba-chan.
“The princess was kidnapped!”
Aiba yells, standing up ready to do his pose, but Sho stares at him, then at the fire.
Aiba makes poses standing up without the kicking and jumping around, before sitting back down.
“As I was saying, I am in the mission of finding the princess and bringing her back to the palace,” Sho says.
Aiba nods avidly, eyes wide in understanding and fascination. Throughout his travels, over the oceans, the mountain tops and across the world - his world that is; running around the city was tiring after all - he hasn't been a witness to this.
He can actually rescue a princess and be known throughout her kingdom.
Sho was not so sure how sane this man was. All he did was tell him about his own trek and the latter had immediately offered to help and trek behind him - seemingly having worn himself out after his kicking and jumping around the woods - and only dragging him behind. Until he noticed that it was already night.
The fire is out before he notices it and to his surprise - not really, he saw this coming - the man in white stained with grass and dirt was sound asleep, his head tilting back and mouth wide open.
The 'You should sleep. I will guard the place through the night' saying was just that. He looked more closely and noticed that the duck had made its way over to the man, almost cuddling to him.
“You, get over here,” Sho hisses. He sees this as an opportunity to run away from the man.
The duck quacks loudly and Sho narrows its eyes at him.
He doesn't say anything, but stands up and points a finger at the duck before pointing to the spot next to him. As if challenging him, the duck turns its tail to him and hides its face between the folds of the stained outfit.
Sho sighs tiredly, rubbing his eyes and temples before sitting down and cradling his chin on his palm.
How did he managed to get stuck with that darn duck again?
Rolling his eyes at that, he extended the cloak like he had and laid on it, slowly falling asleep. Later that night, he felt the cold beak poking his cheek as it settled against him.
They hadn't even traveled that far when they came to the next annoying thing. Well before that, Aiba had thrown words such as 'I will save the princess' to 'Don't worry, Sho-chan, I will protect you from evil' while running back and forth, hiding behind trees and waving Sho over. Who had waited and stared blankly at the man before giving in.
“No, no, no,” Aiba seemed a little miffed that Sho wasn't listening to him, “ you have to bend like this,” he leaned down only to be in a crouching position and waving Sho over again.
Sho walked to him and gave him a pointed look.
“What if you get hit by an arrow, or an ax, or worse; bird poop!” Aiba exclaimed, clearly being more disturbed over the bird poop.
“Right. I'll keep that in mind,” Sho agreed, a sign of a sweatdrop on his temple at the eccentric man.
“Yes! We have to survive if we want to rescue the princess.” Aiba makes his pose, his cape - which seemed to pop out of nowhere - was swaying; barely, as a small breeze went by with a whistle clearly stating that they were alone in the woods. For the most part, that is.
That was until...
“You shall not p-”
“Eh? Nino!!”
“Aiba-chan! What the heck, interrupting me! What the heck are you doing here anyway,” the miffed Nino asked and eyed them suspiciously - “ and it's El Nino the Magnificent! Get that right!”
“Ah. True.” Aiba said joyously. Obviously not thinking much of it.
“So what? What are you doing here?” Nino asked walking closer to them, the duck quacked towards him and ruffled its feathers. As if barely noticing it, Nino leaned closer, closer and closer, until the duck hid under Sho's coat.
“Ah! There you are!” Laughed Nino menacingly.
“Huh? What? I see that you have found her.” Nino says. He looks amused.
“Her? What?” Sho asked, raising the duck to look at it properly.
“Yeah. HER. This here is the princess!” Nino says joyfully.
Sho stared at the duck, eying its shade, as if that would tell him anything about it.
“Oh. Well then. Look at that. The princess is saved!!” Aiba cheered, earning a pointed look from Nino as he did his hero pose.
“So...you're saying that the princess can only turn back to normal if I kiss this...thing...I mean...this...”
Sho sweatdropped as he didn't know how to address the princess, the duck or whatever. He thought it had been a 'he' duck.
“Exactly! At least, that's what Nino said as he ran away.” Aiba scratches his head, looking out to the woods, as if that explains everything.
“You do know that he had us going in circles before we realize that we were?”
“Oh. Yeah,” Aiba says, scratching his chin thoughtfully... “Well...he is my enemy, after all,” Aiba declares.
Sho reaches over, thinks again and lays his hand on his knee.
“Well, either way, I don't think he was joking about it,...”Aiba muses over it, “he did run away laughing though,”
“I'm telling you to kiss it!”
“No! Are you crazy!”
“Kiss it!”
“Stop it you!” Sho didn't know what to call him.
“Sho-chan,” Aiba took on the scolding tone.
Sho sighed, eying the duck again for the hundredth time.
“Kiss it,” Aiba insisted, pushing the duck to Sho's face.
Sho made a weird face before looking at the yellow beak closer - “Kiiiisssss iiiitttt” Aiba whispered insistently.
“I don't thi-”
Aiba managed to push the duck's beak to Sho's mouth.
“It's really such an interesting scene,” laughed Nino. Sho furrowed his brows. His eyes felt heavy and his head was throbbing.
“Ah. Finally awake, Sho-chan,” Aiba stated more than asked. A cheerful smile on his lips as he sat on the small space provided.
“Here, we got you something, we figured you would be hungry once you woke up,” Aiba says. Ohno hums in the back, as Nino raises the volume to his DS and Jun settles in front of the mirror as he listens to music.
“Thanks,” Sho murmurs, wondering what had he been dreaming. He shakes his head when Aiba gives him a questioning hum.
“I had a very weird dream,” Sho states, rubbing his eyes tiredly and yawning.
“Don't we all. You must have been extra tired today,” Nino pipes in.
Sho makes an agreeing sound before sitting up and opening his bento box.
Kissing a duck because she's the princess. That's something out of a fairytale. He thinks amused. Aiba-chan, clearly he has been too amused over Aiba's character in that CM.
The only princess-like person he knows and has the image was Kitagawa, Keiko and that was because of their roles in their previous drama.