Title: Morons
Pairing/Group: Sakuraiba, implied Ohmiya
Rating/Warnings: R (for sexual references), Angst
Summary: Sho thought he was just having a heavenly dream. It turned out he wasn't.
Note: This is for
sweetlemon111. I hope you like it!
Some part is Aiba's POV and the other is Sho's POV.
Sho had already forgotten when the last time he had a dream that vivid was )
Comments 6
Wonderful story!
I like reading it,It was so cute!!:D
It was so much Aiba and it was so much Sho...like I picture them...totally in love but total morons. You described it so perfect!!!
And I love the other three band members here. I am so glad they were there for the two and helped them. This is the Arashi love that I adore so much and I am sure that if ever anything like this happens, they would act exactly as you described it!
Really, the story is wonderfully written and the plot is perfect! Thanks for this!
me want to squeeze Sho for being too lovely <333 Aiba-chan is so lucky ne & Sakuraiba bbs are blessed to have such great friends.
Thank you for writing this. i hope you write more fluffy SA <3
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