Fic bunny!Fast and Furious, so if you're not into that... you should probly fix that.
Right, so I can't get over how much I love that scene in Fast and Furious (the fourth movie, counting Tokyo Drift, by release date) where Dom, who's starting to come to terms with having lost Letty, is going through a box of her stuff while Mia and Brian sit in the Kitchen. You know the one, where Dom finds her phone and calls the last number and Brian's phone rings. You have that fantastic "oh shit moment", where Brian looks at his phone, sees who's calling, and just knows. and the light drops and Dom looks up with absolute homicide in his eyes and the movements and pacing and words all speed up as Dom advances on Brian and Brian tries to get a word in before Dom picks him up and slams him into a piece of shelving. Vin Diesel is huge, and Paul walker is not, and Dom just wails on Brian, throws him bodily across the room, down the stairs, into a table. Get him on the floor and absolutely beats on him. Brian gets his legs around Dom's neck and dom lifts him up and slams his spine into the ground.
And then Brian gets the words out, that Letty did it for Dom, and Dom looks absolutely shattered and everybody's heart breaks for him. But nothing much is ever said about how much pain Brian has to be in. I mean, this is the guy who did a stint in Lompoc on account of beating a guy's face in with a wrench... Brian has to be hurting. but the way the film is written, the situations they get in immediately thereafter, and the way Brian is written... nothing is said and Brian is sure as hell not going to make a deal out of it. and if you take the film at face value, Brian feels for Dom, and feels guilty as hell himself about the whole thing, but he's still, in a lot of ways, an outsider to Dom. There's a level of companionship and comfort and familiarity that doesn't come into play until those last moments in this film before Dom is arrested, and really not until the next film.
But. This is fanfiction. and I'm a slash fan. So.
So how about this.
Brian was sweet on both Mia and Dom, but moved on the one he actually had a shot with. it wasn't angsty, really, not so much romantic as "jesus, these siblings are hot. too bad the brother has a girlfriend and would probly smash my face in if i made a move. Guess I'll focus on the equally hot and awesome sister." and He really fell for Mia, I think. and when they were reunited in F&F, he was genuinly trying to rebuild that relationship, not start anything with the brother that hates everything he stands for and oh yeah just lost his partner of, like, a decade or more. But maybe at some point, possibly even with Mia's consent/encouragement (cuz maybe Brian shared the whole 'yer brotherz hawt' thing at some point), Dom in his grief, as a healthier outlet than beating the shit out of things and thugs, fucked Brian.
That act alone would bring so much more to that scene (and to the end scene when Brians bleeding on the ground and Dom is kind of a little bit freaking out). Bt being the freak I am, having come to fanfiction through fandoms where there are literally no rules, when I saw Dom slam Brian into the ground and Brian try to curl in defense, my mind went straight to Mpreg.
*hand wave explanation of how it's possible*
Maybe Brian had only just begun to suspect, maybe he'd just figured it out. maybe that's one of the oh-so-serious things he and Mia were discussing quietly at the table. They're not really together, and not really split, and it wasn't cheating, but now they maybe have this thing to deal with. And Brian kinda doesn't want to tell dom, not in an angsty, self-flagellating way, but more a "hey, it changes nothing at this stage, let's wait three days until this shit-storm blows over". But he Told Mia cuz he tells Mia everything, and he absolutely doesn't want to get caught in a massive lie... again. and again.
and then Dom beats the shit out of him, and it's bad and then suddenly so much worse as The two not-doms realize the potential damage. and it can then go three ways.
first, Nothing bad happens, moment of terror, but Brian seems to be fine if sore. Mia goes to him immediately Dom leaves, but it all comes out okay, cue massive massive Dom feels when he later realizes exactly what he could have lost. One of my biggest annoyances in the movies is that Dom pretty much never worries about Brian. I mean yeah, relationship of equals and Brian would kick him in the nuts (or flail like the awkward white boy he his), but still. Brian fucked himself over for Dom in the first movie, and got the shit beat out of him in the second movie, not to mention the car accident, and is always risking his fool neck on account of Dom and Dom's family... and Dom really doesn't have much of a response. he always seems to be running or arrested or something, right after.
second. Brian is hurt, and maybe bruising or cramping or whatever sends him to a doctor/hospital with 24 hours or so, which of course Dom is involved in and cue massive feels and so damn confused Dom and modifications of plans, maybe so Dom doesn't go to Jail, maybe so Brian doesn't get hurt, maybe maybe maybe.
Or maybe Brian loses the baby, the baby that was hardly more than a possibility and a plus sign, the baby he hardly had a moment to get attached to. if Mia knew about the possible pregnancy, then there will be some dealing with feelings and stuff as the prepare form the take-down. and maybe dom's almost grateful he gets arrested, at least he gets away from the hugely complicated mess. Or maybe Brian hadn't shared yet, or maybe even hadn't known yet, and there are Dom guiltS over the injuries severe enough to warrant medical, but Brian is the only one who knows they lost a baby, and he probly puts it in a little box in his head to be dealt with after the bust and the trial and the break out.
so yeah. soo much potential.