Title: In Sickness and Health
Author: Saana
Pairing: Sakuraiba
Rating: G
Genre: fluff (tiny bit of angst because I can’t help myself)
Disc.: this is a fanfiction, which means I’m a fan and this is fiction
Summary: Aiba’s at home sick and alone…
“Why didn’t you tell me?...” Sho grumbled under his breath as he opened the door with jerky, impatient motions. )
Comments 4
So cute! ^_^ Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for writing this. ❤
thank you so much for reading!💚
Hey long time not read, I just need it a break too and it got busy with work and now we have since last year corona it’s freaking at time. It’s the first storie I read and with don’t Sho Chan you got me and I have to smile about it, you got me again. I will not get tired to read your stories. Thank you for your work.
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