Title: Life (Re)Starts Here
Author: Saana
Pairing: Sakuraiba (main)
Rating: PG-13 (mostly, probably… might change?... J)
Genre: AU, slice of life, family life, fluff, angst
Disc.: this is a fanfiction, which means I’m a fan and this is fiction
Summary: Sho’s life falling apart in an instant and as he finds himself a single father with a five-year old boy
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Comments 4
This is my request????? OMG Thank you!!!!!
Well, what can I say? I love it! <3<3<3<3
Love Sho and his son, his friendship with Ohno and hope we will see later his frienship with Jun hahaha
And Aiba... <3<3<3<3 is Ohno's brother!!! hihihihi
Can't wait to Shin love Aiba and then Sho alling for Aiba too!!!!
Thank you for your hard work and waiting for next chapter!!! ^3^
Ps: lately I'm like you... reading ore Shos fics when my Ichiban is Aiba hahahaha
Hey, there! I'm really happy you're still around to see me actually writing this for you. Really sorry that it took ages 😅🤣
Hope you'll like the rest. Thanks for reading! 😘❤💚
You don't have to say sorry!
Now that they are in a hiatus, I'm more than ever around livejournal... I need my dosis of Arashi every day 😂
Can't wait for the next chapter!!!! 😘😘
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