
Feb 06, 2007 17:38

barbarakelley tagged me!

Here are the rules:

1)select a nearby book and turn to page 123 and copy out the
fifth to seventh or eighth sentences on the page.

2)explain what the context is. It may be more but also
can be much less detailed than I have done.

3)Give a simple personal response to it. again can be
much shorter or longer than mine.

4)find a picture to represent it. setting google to image
and linking it is the simplest. or just give us the link.

5)If you wish post these instructions and tag 5 friends.

(I won't tag anyone because I'm not sure how, but feel free to do the meme anyway if it interests you!)

Here's mine, and I swear I didn't realize the book I grabbed was my own bound ms. until I opened it.

'Madeline was dismayed at the wrench that statement gave her. "But we have several eligible bachelors here at Evil Outfitters who are quite nice men," she said with forced lightness. "Besides Dexarth, there's Mr. Slagle, and Mr. Fait--"

'"I always rather thought Mr. Fait was your kitten."'

The context: Madeline, head of the Textiles Dept. at a company called Evil Outfitters Ltd., has just returned from the wedding of her assistant, James North, and is comforting another coworker, who has just broken up with her boyfriend.

This is from the final draft of my novel Evil Outfitters Ltd, which happened to be sitting on top of the monitor. I shouldn't say so, because it makes me sound conceited, but this is one of my very favorite books ever written by anyone. If I'd found it on the shelf at the library or bookstore I'd say the same thing. It was my 2005 Nano book (grown to 100,000 words by last January, when I finished it), and I was attempting to write in the style of Dorothy Sayers.

Here's a picture I found that makes me think of Dorothy Sayers, if not necessarily my book--oh wait, I forgot I don't have any way to upload to the server right now. No pictures, darn it. Here's a link, though:

Cover to an old edition of one of Sayers' books
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