The Sort of Complete Chase/Foreman Fic List

Nov 21, 2006 14:05

Okay, having nothing better to do while trying to clean up my hard drive, I put together a list on delicious to all the Chase/Foreman fics I've ever been able to put my hands on. There are nearly 90 listings - they cover the gamut from PWP to more gen/friendship pieces, the key is the author lists Chase/Foreman as a key element. For simplicity sake, everything is tagged Chase/Foreman rather than me trying to distinguish between Chase/Foreman & Foreman/Chase. I did try to rating tag everything, but please, keep an eye on the author's ratings, they will likely be more accurate than mine. You can also sort by author, other characters, genre etc.

I've opened the list publicly, so anyone interested can access it here

I intend keeping the list up to date as more fics appear, HOWEVER - if you are an author & I've missed a fic of yours, or you know of a fic out there that should be on the list, please drop me a comment & I'll get it added as soon as possible. Also, if you have any problems accessing the list itself or there is an error, again drop me a comment & I'll get it fixed.

Everyone have a great Thanksgiving, enjoy the fics (& if you do, please drop the authors a comment, I'm sure we're all comment whores at heart!

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