Yo! ok, so i got back from Santa Barbara like, a week ago, and haven't had the time to post anything. so without further ado, i give you a few pictures:
WARNING: these pictures are big liek woah and im too lazy to doctor them up so they might look retarded, depending on what mood photobucket is in today. =/
marissa and i on the first day there.
mariss and i again. alskdf we were so sunburnt.
my daddy came to visit one day. =]
Cal. i andhearts him just about as much as he andhearts bananas. my hair was reeally frizzy from the ocean. ack.
basically, my horse pwns so much more ass than yours does.
ME! haha, my mom had the nerve to take this while i was sleeping. on the floor. which was actually really comfy.
it was so much fun. i really liked it up there. all day long(unless i was riding) i played cards all day with my friends and stuff. spoons, spit, and knock are the greatest card games ever. i totally owned everybody at spoons and spit. marissa totally hustled me at knock though. and oh my god. spoons was so violent. many loyal spoons died for the cause of this game. there were some gnarly looking utensils after we played, hahah.
so thats pretty much it. there were a lot more pictures, but let's face it--my mom isn't exactly what you'd call a katherine handler with a camera in her hands..
tata for now.