Title: Updates
saathi1013 Pairing: Molly/"Anthea"
Spoilers: some for Series 1
Rating: R
Summary: Molly updates her blog. Can be considered a follow-up to
Word Count: ~ 4800.
Disclaimer: Not mine, not earning any profit, due props to Moffat and Conan Doyle and the BBC, etc.
A/N: Done quick for a
sherlockbbc_fic kinkmeme
prompt: ("Molly/Anthea. Go go go.")
...did this AGES ago - and technically, I wrote "Artifice" first in response, chickened out of posting it there, then wrote this real fast afterwards and posted it. No beta, no britpick, apologies if there are Issues. Just posting this because I am having Technical Difficulties with my OT3 series and thought I should share *something.* D:
Molly stares at her computer screen, completely at a loss. It's been months since she updated, and everything's changed since. She doesn't know where to start.
Never mind about Jim, she types. He turned out to be a criminal genius who was just using me to get at that other man I fancied. He's disappeared and Sherlock's hot on his trail, and they can both hang, because I've found someone new.
And I'm over the moon. She pauses, biting her lip. What else can she say?
She's lovely. She makes me feel amazing. She tells me that I'm beautiful, and isn't horrified by my job, and she's just stunning. Model-pretty, you know?
I can't say who she is, she works for someone Important. Whenever there's a royal scandal that needs handling, her boss runs her ragged and she smokes exactly one and a half cigarettes out my bathroom window. I don't mind. She puts up with my watching Glee and that I have to wash my hair three times to get charred-corpse smell out of it.
Sometimes I feel like a Kept Woman. She buys me really pretty things, just because, and I never know what to get her in exchange. But then she says that she buys them because she likes seeing me smile. Like the really amazing blue suede platforms with red soles. I know they're really really expensive so I don't know where to wear them but then she tells me to wear them and my lab coat and nothing else and when I do she looks at me like *I'm* the present.
I think I'm starting to adjust to that, feeling special because she loves me, but it's taken a while for it to sink in.
Also, the sex is incredible.
Sometimes she doesn't kiss me on the mouth because she wants to leave smudges of lipstick on other parts of my body. She once came to my work, dragged me to a supply closet, and did just that, putting my clothes and hair back in place when she was done so that I had to walk around for the rest of the night with sticky-slick patches of red catching against the cloth of my blouse. I'm shivering, just remembering it.
We went to a restaurant last night, some place that does tricky things with foam and flavour pearls and the like, because she knows I'm interested in experimental food science. I went on about how everything was made, and she told me how some of the chemicals are regulated because terrorists use them for bombs or aerosolised poisons, and we got a lot of strange looks from the couple at the next table over. It was actually pretty funny, I don't think I've ever giggled that much in a long time.
When we got home, she handed me a box - a gift again! I still can't get over it! - and I opened it and there was this really pretty glass... thing. It could have been a sculpture, it's so pretty, with spiralling colours inside and the graceful curve of it, but it's not. It's, um. A toy. She said she wanted to use it on me and see if she could make me. Well. I can't repeat the rest of it, but she could and she did, and the neighbours are probably upset about all the noise.
I don't mean for it to sound like all we do is shag. We actually don't all that often, since we're on different schedules and she's out of the country at least a week out of every other month.
We have a game we play, every time she's out of town. Before she leaves, she goes up to my stack of old medical journals, picks one out at random, and takes it with her to read on her trip. She calls up every day, and talks to me about the articles. At first, I had to do a lot of explaining, but she's catching on. She even likes when I talk about work, and that's new for me.
To be perfectly honest, she says she loves that about me. My job, I mean. That I'm good at it and enjoy it and honestly when she starts in about how my science-y ways turn her on, it's always a little confusing. I'm used to people teasing me about it, and here she loves me for it! I've even learned not to wear my reading glasses in bed around her, especially if I have an early shift the next day.
That's the hardest part to get used to, actually. She loves me, all of the things about me that I thought were odd. She loves that I get excited about science, she loves getting me flustered in public because she says my smile and my blush are *cute*, she loves that I watch Jane Austen films with Toby on my lap and a box of tissues handy.
And I love her back, I really really do.
Molly stares at the screen and deletes all of it after And I'm over the moon. That says it all, really.
And if you're still reading this, “Jim,” you can stop right now. Because I'm happy, really happy, despite you and Sherlock and your stupid games.
Molly hits 'post' and goes to bed, where her girlfriend is probably reading an Ian Fleming novel while waiting up for her.
- END -
This entry was originally posted
at my Dreamwidth; if you wish to comment, you may do so either here on LJ or on DW, whichever is most convenient for you.