Ficlet: A Symphony of Fear | DCU | Scarecrow | R | 1/1

Nov 01, 2008 16:37

Title: A Symphony of Fear
Fandom: DCU
Characters: Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane), various heroes
Rating: R
Word Count: 328
Prompt: Arkham Asylum
Summary: After dosing the heroes with fear toxin, Crane surveys his mayhem.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: Written as the epilogue for vespertila's Chained Challenge, and for the 2008 DCU Free For All Autumn Challenge.

A Symphony of Fear

Crane's dark grin never falters as he watches the scene unfold before him, the so-called heroes writhing in their seats around the candlelit table, chained in place, their minds taken hostage as surely as their bodies. He can only imagine the horrors they're witnessing as the toxin holds them captive, stark terror flooding them as visions dance in macabre vignettes before their eyes. Are they visions of torture? Of death? He wonders with sadistic glee how many of them are watching their loved ones die, how many are being beaten to bloody pulps or are plummeting to their deaths. Is Superman's life ending at the hands of Doomsday? Is the Lantern suffering under the influence of Parallax? Is Oracle reliving the incident that confined her to a wheelchair? Is the assassin losing his other eye?

And what of the former Robin who deals in death himself these days? Is it his own death at the Bat's hands that flicker beneath tightly shut eyelids? Murderous fun with knives and guns? Being killed by the Clown or taking his own revenge? Crane wouldn't be surprised by anything.

Indeed, what might frighten these pretenders most, aside from becoming the very thing they loathe? Certainly, some might even be horrified to find themselves performing the crimes of their nemeses themselves. The thought of the Bat watching himself release Joker venom on the entire city of Gotham gives Crane a shiver of pleasure. Oh, to see that vision come to life...

Stalking around the table, the Scarecrow trails a thin hand across the shoulders of his victims, watching them struggle against the restraints and shudder with their terror. What a gorgeous show they're putting on for him, eyes glazed or squeezed shut, screams ripping from throats, sweat dripping from pale temples, blood welling up where fingernails dig into palms or wrists pull against the chains. Beautiful chaos. A symphony of fear. An Arkham Asylum of his very own, to rule as its master.

* * * * *

challenge: dcu_freeforall, fandom: dcu, ch: jonathan crane, fic: challenge fic, challenge: misc dcu, fic: ficlet, ch: scarecrow, .fic

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