Title: Awaiting the Ghost of Christmas Past
saavikam77Fandom: DCU/Superman Returns
Characters/Pairing: Clark/Lois (with a side helping of Bruce/Lois), Jason, Lara, BJ, Dick, and Diana
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,939
Prompt: #15 - Egg Nog
Summary: Nine years after Superman: Aftermath, and six months after Clark's death at the hands of Doomsday, Lois and the kids are trying desperately to get through Christmas. They get a little help from Bruce and Dick, and a surprise Christmas miracle changes everything.
Spoilers: Superman Returns,
Superman: Aftermath,
20 Random Facts about Lois LaneWarnings: Canon character death (duh!), a small side-helping of Bruce/Lois, and a happy ending
Disclaimer: DC and WB own everything but Lara and BJ. They're Lois and Clark's. :p
Author's Notes: Not to be confused with the "One Night" 'verse. In this, Lara was not born on Christmas Eve, and she has her dad's eyes instead of her mom's. Also, this will *eventually* be part of a mid-length epic, dealing with the Death and Return of Superman.
Let's get this Christmas party started! *passes out tissues* ^_~
Awaiting the Ghost of Christmas Past (posted to