Title: Tiny Sasquatch
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean, Kitten!Sam (gen)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 515
Prompt: For
comment_fic: Dean & kitten!Sam, purr
Summary: It's the cutest curse they'd ever had thrown at them.
Disclaimer: WB and Kripke own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: I *SO* couldn't resist this prompt. XD
Tiny Sasquatch
This had to be cutest curse they'd ever had thrown at them. Not the weirdest, by far, and not even close to the worst. The cutest. So cute, he was kind of sad to know it would wear off in another day or so. Which was a lot for Dean to admit.
Freakin' witches. But at least these chicks had had a sense of humor, and weren't out for their blood. Things could've been a lot worse.
"You finished there, lil' Sammy?" he smirked down at the tiny gray and cream tabby kitten who was busy scraping the bottom of a dish of milk on the little table in their hotel room.
When Sam lifted his round, fluffy head, licking his face with his bright pink tongue before giving a decisive, high-pitched meow, Dean couldn't help a chuckle.
"C'mere, tiny Sasquatch. Time for bed." Scooping up the kitten that used to be his brother in one hand, he sat down on the bed and laid back, shoving his legs beneath the covers. Finally comfortable, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to some late night show and adjusted the volume low, then settled Sam in the crook of one arm and scratched him behind the ears with his free hand, watching him intently.
Not that he particularly wanted to think about it, but this was probably the least bitchy Sam had been in a long time, probably the best they'd gotten along in years. And wasn't that a harsh realization? That it took Sam being turned into a tiny kitten to do that was just ridiculous.
Seemingly restless, little Sam turned around in place twice, stalked up Dean's chest to his collar bone, then proceeded to knead with tiny, sickle-like claws, sharp like needles, catching skin through Dean's gray t-shirt. If it wasn't so freakin' adorable, Dean might have yelped and flung the ball of fluff and claws to the floor. Instead, he settled on a halfhearted protest of, "Jeez, you're sharp! Settle down, already, will ya'? And don't you dare pee on me in the middle of the night. Litterbox is under the table."
At that, the kitten looked up at him with what Dean could swear was Sam's patented bitch-face, little nose wrinkled up and eyes narrowed, and opened his pink mouth in a wide yawn, jaw almost seeming to unhinge before snapping shut. Turning around in place a few more times, Sam finally hunkered down and flopped over, pushing himself up into the crook of Dean's neck, and began to purr.
Tickled by the kitten's tiny whiskers and fluff, Dean let out a breathy laugh, reaching up to run a hand over the vibrating ball of fur and rub him behind the ears again.
"You know I'm never gonna let you live this down, right?" he said quietly, unable to resist ribbing his brother just a little, even as he lamented it taking this to get them close again. If things could only be half this good after Sam turned back, it'd be a miracle.
As if he knew what Dean was really thinking, Sam only purred louder.