Ficlet: Bored Yet? | DCU | Barbara/Jason/Tim | NC-17 | 1/1

Feb 05, 2011 22:46

Title: Bored Yet?
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Barbara/Jason/Tim
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 963
Prompt: For Porn Battle XI: computers, porn, embarrassment, orders, red, masturbation, camera, bite; For kissbingo: Type: Emoticon (:*); For 50_darkfics: Evil
Summary: On a boring stakeout, Jason decides to liven things up.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own everything, the schmucks.
Author's Notes: Originally posted here. This is pretty much porn in broken IM form w/little punctuation. Such a blast to write. >:D

Bored Yet?

Red1: bored yet?

Red2: it's only been 15 mins, J

Red2: and this is an active stakeout

Red1: so?

Red2: so O won't be pleased if we're not focused

Red1: point? this is a private line

Red2: you're begging for trouble

Red1: you'd like that wouldn't you?

Red2: as if

Red1: oh, you know you do

Red2 has signed off

Red1: hey! *nudge*

Red1: come on, humor me. we're here for the long haul, and the target won't be here for 3 hours, at least

Red2 has signed on

Red2: you're not gonna leave me to do my surveillance in peace, are you?

Red1: nope :*

Red2: is that supposed to be a kiss!?

Red1: so what if it is?

Red2: you're insane

Red1: hey, I resemble that remark

Red2: and?

Red1: and nothing.

Red2: uh-huh

Red1: bite me

Red2: haul it on over here

Red1: oh, NOW you want to play?

Red2: …

Red2: shut up

Red1: no way. now you've got my attention, T

Red2: whatever

Red1: :*

Red2: +sigh+

Red1: *cracks up*

Red2: well, get on with it

Red1: with what?

Red1: I have no idea what you're talking about

Red2: liar. I can see you from here.

Red1: thought we were supposed to be focused?

Red2: I can multitask

Red2: I can see you stroking yourself from all the way over here, J

Red1: and so what if you can?

Red2: if the whole point of your 'bored yet' (worst come-on ever, btw) was to do this, then you might as well get on with it

Red1: if that's what you really want

Red2: +sigh+

Red2: yeah

Red2: that's what I really want

Red1: would you look at that-I got YOU begging for it

Red2: shut up

Red2: dammit

Red1: *snerk* that's what you get for playing with the big bag wolf

Red2: +grumbles+

Red1: so? you gonna get started, too, or what?

Red2: give me some incentive

Red1: can you see THIS?

Red2: um. yeah

Red2: um

Red1: well, I can see THAT. move a little to your left so I can see your hand better

Red1: just like that, yeah. fuck. so hot with your hand down your pants, T

Red2: you too

Red2: least u don't have as much costume in the way

Red1: this is why jeans are better. pop, zip, slip, tug, voila, open air

Red2: jesus, do you have to suck on your fingers like that

Red1: could suck on YOURS if you were over here

Red2: fuck

Red1: hot damn, didn't think you could curse, T

Red2: not a robot

Red1: I can see that. took you long enough to get your dick out

Red2: fucking catches and booby-traps

Red2: not exactly used to doing this

Red1: that'll change

Red1: fuck, T! look so hot all flushed and breathing hard

Red1: next time, I'm gonna blow you

Red2: +whimpers+

Red1: exactly. gonna suck you down, lick your dick all over till your brain explodes out your ears

Red2: fuck

Red1: that, too. Turn you over, slick you up with your own cum, shove in all the way to your throat, pump till you get hard and come again, mess yourself up

Red1: then I'll come in you, fill you the fuck up

Red2: youu ff

Red1: holy shit, T! fuck, hot like that, such a mess

Red1: jesus fuck

Red2: oh g-d, that was

Red1: yeah

Red1: I'm gonna

Red2: your turn, J

Red1: ffffffdfsf

Red2: +jaw drops+

Red2: J?

Red2: J, don't be passed out on me

Red1: Fuck

Red1: think I blacked out for a min there

Red2: lol

Red1: shut up

Red2: you're a complete mess, J. shot all the way to your chin

Red1: not the only one

Red1: :*

Red2: next time, you can lick it off

Red1: jesus, T, gonna get me going again with that kind of talk

Red2: don't think I could take another round just yet

Red1: that's what YOU thing

Red1: *think

Red2: brains a little mushy there?

Red1: shut up

Red2: jeez that's a lot of come. Good thing you didn't get it on your palmtop. O would kill you

Red1: bite me

Red2: haven't we been down this road?

Red1: yeah, well

Oracle: yeah, well, O is gonna kill you BOTH if you got anything on your palmtops. those things aren't cheap

Red1: FUCK!

Red2: shit!! sorry, O!

Red2: thought you said this was a private line, J?

Oracle: seriously? have you ever worked with me before? NOTHING is private, T

Oracle: but don't stop on my account

Red1: o really?

Red1: can see your blush from all the way over here, T

Oracle: I can see you BOTH blushing

Red2: cameras

Oracle: bingo. now get on with it. you're not the only ones that were bored

Red1: fuck, O. such a dirty voyeur. fucking EVIL

Red1: bet you're all wet and slick, watching us

Oracle: wouldn't YOU like to know?

Red1: well, don't keep us in suspense, O

Red2: agreed. you've been watching us the whole time, haven't you?

Red1: she must've seen *everything*

Red2: no doubt

Red1: seen us get our dicks out, heard me telling you what I'd do to you, seen us both come all over

Oracle: fuck

Red1: gonna come, too, O? bet you've got your fingers shoved all the way up yourself, stroking deep

Oracle: hate you both

Oracle: fuck

Red2: J must be right. would like to see what you look like, O, all disheveled and losing yourself

Red1: oh yeah, bet you're a sight. head thrown back, breathing hard, pumping yourself and imagining it was one of us

Oracle: gggfg

Red1: don't type, just come, O

Red2: and we'll make it all up to you later

Red2: in person

Red1: I call dibs

Red2: thought you were gonna fuck ME

Red1: k, you can fuck O, and I'll fuck you

Red1: T sandwich

Red2: shit

Red1: can see you adjusting yourself

Red2: you too

Red1: O, you still there?

Oracle: give me a minute

Oracle: catching my breath. gotta go clean up

Red1: ROFL

Red1: bet you're looking forward to when we get back

Red2: I know +I+ am

Red1: who knew you could be such a dirty little robin, T? if I knew this was all it would take to get past your 'good boy' act, I'd have done it a long ass time ago

Red2: shut up

Oracle: both of you shut up, we've got movement on the southeast quadrant

Red1: target acquired

Red2: target in sight; he's early, shit

Oracle: go silent, visual cues only, will reengage when target is in custody

Red1 has signed off

Red2 has signed off

Oracle has signed off


pr: barbara gordon/jason todd/tim drake, challenge: kissbingo, fandom: dcu, ch: oracle, ch: barbara gordon, fic: challenge fic, fic: ficlet, ch: tim drake, ch: red robin, ch: jason todd, challenge: porn battle, ch: red hood, .fic, pr: oracle/red hood/red robin, challenge: 50_darkfics

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