Title: A Chance
Pairing: HoMin
Genre: PWP, Smut
Length: one-shot or two?
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: Yunho is training for a race when chance presents itself.
Got the prompt from
“Min! This horse is quite moody today, did he get it from you?” )
Comments 24
Is there any possibility that you would write a sequel?
Because i think the progress of HoMin's relationship will be great to be written. And i will read it for sure.
Thanks for sharing. ^^
there's a possibility.. more of a 50% chance that i'd write a sequel for this.. after i write the other fic for the homin_kink comm..
you think so? i might.. i hope you'll like it too..
thank you for reading~! ^^
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Thank you for reading~! ^^
i might write a sequel for this.. ^^
Thank you for reading~! ^^
he is he is!! xD
i even thought of providing a pic of his position on the mechanical horse but then, i think your imaginations are better than my drawing/editing skills..
thank you for reading~! ^_____^
thank you~! ^\\\\^ i'm really glad you think of it as hot.. i really didn't have the confidence to post this if it wasn't for a friend who boosted my confidence..
none the less, thank you for reading~! ^^
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