Title: Osan
Genre: Alternate Reality
Length: 11/15
Disclaimer: I don't own DBSK. And the plot is not purely mine. I was inspired by King of Attolia, written by Megan Whalen Turner. I actually borrowed some of the scenes from it
Summary: Jaejoong has decided to return to his homeland, leaving his good life and cousin behind. But what will
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Comments 11
I reread this too refresh my mind of what happened in every chapter! :) I love how it goes xD I'm in love with a historical setting. Esp one w this. The myth n mysteries n history! :D 4 more chapters really? Hehe! Will be waiting, fighting xÐ
I'm trying to give myself a margin. I'm not really good at writing chaptered stories so, I'm doing my best to finish this one soon. ^^ but it might reach 20 at most. I guess?
I'm so glad you're still here. *huggles*
Thank you so much! :D
Tho he didn't expect Junsu to mix the lethium in his milk. :))
Thank you for reading and commenting! ^____^
the scene with yoochun sure caught my attention :p
What do you think? ^^ should I push it through?
Yes please???? *puppy eyes*
I'm kind of reviewing the plot in my mind right now (cause my laptop is somewhere on my bed and I haven't turned it on yet). I think there will be more later. ;)
I might update tonight again, if I can. I'm reviewing the scenes. And I think this is the first chapter that I was able to make a scene for each one of them without being in one place. XD
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