As a little bit of encouragement for
mrsdrjackson in her NaNoWriMo endeavors, a reward for doing so well on her novel, I finally managed to write up that icon drabble for the icon she chose, lo these many months ago.
The icon:
The ficlet:
The first touch of the needle stung (it always did) but Derek ignored it (he always did). The words he’d read in a confiscated magazine while pretending to be some kind of war hero… Well, they’d struck a chord. Shit. They’d struck a fucking symphony. Whatever. They were words to live by. He didn’t know who this Mother Jones was or why the Presidio Alto had felt the need to keep it away from the cadets, but he had a feeling that Sarah would like her.
The first word finished, he dipped the needle again into the thimble of blue ink. His newest tat wouldn’t be pretty, but then it wasn’t supposed to be. It didn’t need to be.
By the time he was finished, Derek’d tuned out the discomfort so completely that it surprised him to look down at his forearm and see the redness of the skin around blue letters. But the red only emphasized what he supposed you could call his new motto.
Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
Mini Nano goal:
176 / 100