BSG fic: Making Progress (pg)

May 03, 2012 10:13

Title: Making Progress
Rating: PG
Word count: 803
Characters: Kara Thrace, Bill Adama
Summary: He’s making progress, but Gods, that ship is still a mess.
Author's note: Written for the 2012 bsg_remix, the original story was Meetings by plaid_slytherin, a quiet little fic that hearkens back to the friendship we saw between Starbuck and the Old Man, before life got in the way. And thank you so much to my beta, whoever you are, 'cause oops? I deleted the emails and files and I think it was lizardbeth_j (I remember talking to her about it), but I just can't remember. :(

Bill looked down at the logs on his desk, copies provided by the Pegasus commander for his review.

my bsg fic, my bsg fic: s2, my fic, remix

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