that art school girl that you could never hold in your hands. shes the girl that never called you back, she made you lose your cool and leave 2 texts. every time you see her on the street or a friend tells you " yea i saw her at the show, shes dating the guy from so and so." and it ruins your weekend.
why cant people use mac's everything looks so much prettier than boring windows. pay the extra money and it will last you a lot longer than some shitty ass dell. check out this site it is totally super rad:
over the weekend "blue" from old school died.... he was 86. watching dick clarks rockin eve sucked poor guy could barely talk. it was depressing. he was slurring his words and his right arm wasnt working. shame on abc for allowing him come on.
i like this new my lj tab its tight! what the fuck lj used to be poppin, what happened?? i had a funny dream i had magic and shit and can turn into the wind. i told this girl in the dream that shit wasnt working out and it was time to call it quits. then i said "bythewayyourpregnant" and turned into the wind. hahahahahahahahahaha