The Minnie Mouse Legacy part 1.2

Jul 22, 2010 00:18

So last time much ridiculous happened. Don't worry, there will be more.

This crazy lady (whose name I can't recall) was still at the park, being crazy.
Crazy: Stupid pole! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?
Pole: *would probably be sad*

After Hal left the park, since everyone there was weird, he got this makeover to make himself look less fugly more fashionable.
Plus his favorite color is red! It's like he was meant to be here.

Speaking of meant to be...
Hal: Minnie! Even though I have commitment issues and my LTW is to be a heartbreaker, I feel a sudden urge to marry you! So, will you?
Well I TOTALLY DON'T KNOW where that came from. Nope, wasn't my fault AT ALL.

Minnie: Whoa, it's really bright.
Hal: ...Is that a yes?
Minnie: Huh? Oh yeah, sure!

They decided to have the wedding right there, amidst dirty dishes & crappy furniture. Obviously, they didn't care. There's romance in there somewhere, I just don't know where.

Hal: Baby, you're not in a kids' cartoon anymore.

Because kids' cartoons don't include morning sickness.

Since Hal was being such a good boy, and since those people at the park are insane, I got him his own little chess set. Now it's all he does when he isn't at work/with Minnie.

Minnie was so obsessed with looking at her ring, she didn't even notice the horrid fashion sin walking towards her.

Hal: I can't love you if you keep making autumn salad.

Oh no. I think he's starting to realize that the wedding wasn't his idea.

They pick the weirdest spot for cute time.

Minnie: Oooh, I like sheep.
I dislike maternity clothes. Oh, & Hal worries me sometimes.

Enjoy your sexy walk for now, missy. This won't last for long... not even a day, actually.



Judging by how happy she is for a woman in labor, I don't think we want to know how she got him out of the house. He also seems to wish he'd become a heartbreaker instead.

Minnie: You shall not come near my child.
She's going to be a very protective mother, I just know it-- who wouldn't be with this little cutie?

Everyone, welcome Aladdin to the world! This is a Disney legacy after all, and Aladdin had his own movie, tv show, the whole thing. He's a popular street rat. 
His traits are friendly and loves the outdoors. That fits!

Oh, the cuteness. It's almost painful.

Hal's remembering Minnie's cooking, meanwhile, it seems she recalls how much he hated it.

Guess who is preggers? No, not Hal. I don't think he approves, though. Either that or he's stuck in the dream about Minnie's cooking.

She's such a good mommy. Okay not that much considering she can't leave the house because Hal is at work and there's not enough money for a babysitter.

First birthday, Aladdin!
Minnie: Must.. be... happy..
This is probably the mantra of every Disneyland cast member.

Aladdin: The hell you doing with your hand, woman?
Aladdin looks way too much like Hal. He's got his mom's eyes though. He's just not a cute kid.

I totally skipped her being held and stuff cause it's the same as Aladdin, just pink. She's ugly too. She rolled genius and good-- not really Ariel-ish but oh well.
With that face, I can tell Minnie's got more babies to make.
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