(no subject)

May 05, 2006 15:44

Stalking is illegal. sabby-holloway confronts imablackdog.

imablackdog is stalking sabby-holloway

imablackdog’s REAL name :
Yu Morris

imablackdog’s REAL DOB :
15th February 1972

Height :194 cm
Weight : 105.4 kg

imablackdog has dreamt about you :
14 times

imablackdog became interested in you :
08th March 2005

imablackdog’s latest dream about you

After a brief rendezvous in a unisex spa, the two lovers decide to make kittens behind an unattended reception desk. 5 minutes into the experience David Hasselhoff mysteriously appears at the desk with his hand resting casually on the side of his cheek trying to surpress the grin that by-now has engulfed his face. He steals a glimpse of your genetalia before disappearing as quickly as he came.

This is how imablackdog describes your relationship behind your back

‘I think it likes me. They must like me otherwise they would have told me to fuck off surely? Perhaps it’s just polite. Fuck please God, make her love me!’

imablackdog’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

imablackdog has a vast collection of sabby-holloway’s mothers cuttlery lying around their bedroom. For some reason only known to God

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

In a night of sheer angst imablackdog carved ’sabby-holloway’ into their forehead with a set of bakers tongs.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

Everyday without you is death. I’ve decided it’s best that we end our lives in each others arms. My brother knows a fellow who can buy cynaide pills on the cheap. Let’s do it, for us.

The Police

No. calls to the police :
21 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"Dear Jesus no! Send around a squad car quick, I’ve just killed someone. Their name is imablackdog. Stop bloody laughing! That’s their real name! imablackdog threatened to kill me on multiple occasions and they came around tonight to finish off the job so I used my lava lamp in self defense and now the bastards on the ground without a pulse."

imablackdog’s Police File

imablackdog will be the next Jeffrey Dahmer if they are not institutionalized immediately.

Testimonies about imablackdog

howlsoftly - Charlie Manson’s long-lost sibling

‘Boring. I know sabby-holloway and imablackdog really love each other. They are both just seeking attention. Just get married and stop the fucking games already! Jesus!’

antler_head - The Ear Doctor

‘imablackdog is pointlessness personified. I just wish they’d kill themselves or something.’

ant_carraway - Gives birth to cattle

‘I would not piss on imablackdog if they were on fire.’

ooc, sirius

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