Title: Between Games
Prompt: John Winchester meets Ava Crowder
Fandoms: Supernatural and Justified
Word Count: 1,830
Rating: PG
No Warnings Needed.
Author’s Notes: Thanks to msninacat for her cheerleading. Many thanks to chemm80 and her awesome beta.
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Comments 21
We never saw Bowman but I figured he had to be good looking (Ava is stunning, I doubt she would go for an ugly guy) and Boyd is wiry bur handsome. Bo was a big guy...bigger than Boyd but I figured maybe Bowman was the brawn of the two brothers. Maybe it was his good looks that attracted Ava at first - Basically Im agreeing with you...I just plain made him up.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting. It has made my day.
This was perfect, thank you!
Most of my stuff has John in it and is pre-series...if you are interested.
Oh and thank you. I'm glad both shows came through in a way that seemed plausible.
I'm glad you thought that the characterizations were good. Writing Arlo was a blast and Ava was fun too. I'm always up for old JDub.
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