Title: Not Quite - Trapped, The Remix-
Chapter: 1/4
sabersenshiPairing: Reita/Ruki, Aoi/Uruha
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: fluff
Summary: Poor Kai…again
Disclaimer: *sniffles* They're Not Mine.
Notes: My Aoi muse wanted me to continue…and just wouldn’t quit pestering me until I agreed.
So you get this…..
Trapped (in case you missed it)
Aoi’s POV
“Do those two ever take a break?” Uruha asked from his seat next to me.
“It doesn’t look like it.”
Yeah, the 2 ‘R’s were at it again.
But this time, in our practice room.
Kai had to leave for a moment, being called away by our manager.
The door had barely closed before Ruki was all over Reita.
I glanced back at Uruha.
He was smiling, shaking his head.
“They really are cute. Don’t’cha think?”
I snorted.
“Oh yeah. It’s so cute the way they can’t keep their hands and mouths off each other.”
Hearing that, Reita flipped me off.
“Hey Ruki! I think you’re doing something wrong.”
Breaking apart, the small singer looked at me curiously.
“Why do you say that?”
“Cuz you don’t have Rei’s full attention. Not if he can make obscene hand gestures at me while making out with you.”
Uruha giggled.
“Oh, like you could do any better!” was the vocalist’s response.
I turned to Uruha, “May I?”
“What?” he asked, unsure of my intentions.
“Well, I can’t very well show them without assistance, now can I?”
“You wanna..? With me?” he asked, a slow smile spreading across his face.
Standing, I hold out my hand.
He takes it, letting me pull him to his feet.
He leans in as I run my hand up his arm.
Tilting my head, I press my lips to his.
Tasting his small sigh.
I run my tongue along his lower lip.
His hands tangle in my hair.
Seeking a deeper contact.
I slip my tongue into his warm mouth.
My hands resting on his hips.
I pull him even closer.
We both moan at the contact.
Running my hands up under his shirt.
I feel that velvety skin I’ve dreamt about for so long.
And just when it was starting to get interesting, I feel a tap on my shoulder.
“Dude, you killed our drummer. That’s so not cool.” Ruki said, pointing.
There was Kai, passed out in the doorway.
Uruha rushes over to his prone form.
“Now see what you’ve done” Reita accuses.
“Me? You two started this!”
“Us? How?” Reita scowls at me.
“By not being able to control yourselves. That’s how.” I shoot back.
“Right. And now you’re gonna tell me that you haven’t been dying for the opportunity to get him in a lip-lock, right?” Ruki said, in my face, pointing at Uruha.
OK. He had me there.
I have been trying to make time with Uruha.
But he was clueless.
That is, until now.
At least I think he knows.
Assuming that all that touching and kissing was more than just for show.
I glance back at him, smiling sheepishly.
And he’s smiling back at me.
“Is that true, Aoi-kun?” he asks sweetly.
Sidestepping both Reita and Ruki, I walk over to him.
I lift him to his feet.
“Yes,” I breathe against his lips, before kissing him again.
A/N: and we all know what happens later ^___^
Feed me comments and I might continue.....
Chapter 2 Archive