Came in a wonderful gam last night, Yes oh my gods! He is accually writting something in his LJ! Anyway what happened last night will be one of those games that you just *DON'T* want to forget.
Alright, what happened it was Exciting! it was Tragic! there was Angst, yeah, it's werewolf, DUH, but there were difficult choices that had to be made!
Alright, my char Hugh Actions Louder Than Words, (Glasswalker, Metis, Gallard, *who is MUTE* Cliath, Got caught in something totally off the fly!
Told by Ashes to join a small group of cliaths and a cub. Along with Talking Crazy who is an Adrine, (I think), We had to find out what was wrong with the small town of St. Peter MN...Thing was that TC Normally has a feather fetish that lets him fly...Not so this time...Ashes (Alpha of the sept.) took it away from him. So for a while Hugh got to piggyback the alpha leader of the temp pack around.
But to the town we traveled, by way of the umbra. Now the spirit world as we apporched was beautiful, the trees were healthy there was pretty snow on the ground, all was right with the world there...Then we get to St. Peter all nussled away in its valley...BANES. It was like looking into a bucket of maggots that was ready to over flow..
So now we decided to go back to the physical world...weeell this is when I got caught in the gauntlet, and the two alpah's (they were invisibile hehe) that were there tossed me via a moon bridge, totally confused back to the Cearn. Where after seeing something blue skinned and being whispered to "You're out" Hugh figured that some how it was some sort of game that was being played. ...Probly why TC couldn't have his flying feather...After a while of waiting. (The only suck part) Kicks the Balls, Our *black fury* ragabash (homid) Cliath, joined me back at the Cearn. We talked for a short period of time, and then just as someone was apporching us to help in an other plot...BAMB! We get pulled back into St. Peter! More to the point, a St. Peter Dinner Men's Room! (comforts our black Fury) Thankfuly it was vacant. After exiting the bathroom we were able to join back up with our comrads. They had come to the conclution that the source of the taint wasn't the Bar as they first thought it to be, but the church. And so we went to the church....The minister was there sweeping away in the front...which was odd, after all it was a saturday and it being a full 4 or so *hours* before any form of sunday meeting was taking place...That and right off the bat, everyone liked him. Now Hugh *hates* orgainized Religon. Something had to be up. And we started talking to him, one of the new Cliaths circling around to get be hind the minister. He was like anyone else who wanted youto join thier church...soft spoken, perswasive, and with that slight awe of bliss....and here was what he was teaching..."I teach others to open their hearts to the spirit" Yeeeeeeah...Nothing seems wrong with that unless you *are* a werewolf larper. Then after alittle more bullshitting, TC peered into the umbra at this guy, And Saw what spirit he was talking about...A Rather Powerful Bane of Pride! That is when the minister started to say things that you don't want to hear as the towns folk start to filter in from the doors..."The spirit says that you think differently, it says that you would destory our church..."And the like...Um Uh-Oh...And then the doors shut...we tell them that we are going to leave peacefully, and they let us pass to get to the doors...Problem. They are weilded shut. That is when one of them says "Maybe we should insaute them into the church.." That sets off the OH Crap Button. And then the Fimori, start looking more fimori like, One of them grows scales, one of them big honking horns on his shoulders, the rest of them (Though they look human) Start coming at us with baseball bats, hocky sticks (It is Minnisoooooda ya'know.) And knives.
UM. Shift to Crinos. That is a good number of the pack that does that too, Now at first we try to fight them. Weeeell it doesn't take long for us to relize that we are out numbered. After all 6 against 18 are not good odds... and one of them has a Fucking Shot gun! That is when TC thinks hasty retreat is the best option, (Though the cub killed the minister first) And me having the highest number of traits (Thank you Gaia!) Jump on to the Cross with the stained glass window above it, I break the windown and it doesn't take long for TC to start Tossing me people. Who I get to chuck out the window! *Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!*
I got to chuck three people out the window, While being shot at...alot... And then something even worse happens..KTB's goes into frenzy (She ran out of traits, and it was either incap or rage, and hell it is a bunch of men we are up against here) And TC was able to toss her out another stained glass window. That is when our two Alpha's who where there the entire time, joined the battle, Ashes pretty much *slaughtering* everyone in the church who wasn't Garou. Then I jump out the window joing my comrads below. And yes...KTB was still frenzing, though Our little cub was smart enough to know to toss people on her. ^^.
Gunther (One of the invisible alpha's, Get of Fenirus, Theurge, homid, Adrin) Then opened a moon bridge back to the Caern and we all went though...
Now you would think this was the end of where Hugh would be involved in anything fun...But NO! Ashes called a meeting of all the auspice Alpha's...And cause my pack leader (Who is the alpha gallard) wasn't there. I hear. "HUGH! Get In Here And Take A Seat!" I was joining the Alpha's! ME! The Metis! The Mute! Was Joining the ALPHA'S FOR A MEETING! There was Ozwald there too, our local Bear shifter.
We all sat down in a circle, and Ashes threw down his hat. He stated that all here were equals, then he looked at me and said "Cept you, you are here to relate to Keesha what has happened here." That was kinda a downer, but still!
He explained the situation. The ENTIRE town was Fomori. All of them. The minister had been there for about three MONTHS. At first Ashes was wanting to know if there was anyway to save *anyone* in the town. They brought in a warder, asking him to help in patroling this city, we thought of trying to cleans them in so many ways, one of them being Clear Water ( You know the game you know what I am talking about) But the fimory would know what was going on the moment they drank it. But soon it was looking as if we couldn't Save anyone.. So The Question came up. How do you make an entire town of nearly 300 some odd people ..vanish?
Yeah...Here is the pill that is really hard to swallow.. And the answer came from the warder, Make it look like a Mass Cult Suicide. We debated this, was there NO ONE we could save? And then Ashes spoke up He thought it was the best idea we had. He set Wepawet on getting a poison, and Me to tell Jeff, (One of the other glasswalkers there) To start up on a story of a Doomsday cult, start sending it to the Meda.
By the end of all this. A town of nearly 300 people who didn't have to die, did. Ashes (who was a *minister* himself) Gave them *comuinion* wine, which was poison that came from Wepawets very viens(Yeah it was her blood! something dealing with viper) After it was over and Ashes returned and called another meeting.. He told every one that we did a good job. But that it shouldn't *have* to be this way. We should have been able to get this when it was just three people. It was a great survice to Gaia taking out a strong hold of the Wyrm. But it didn't wiegh lightly on anyone's concence. And from now on. We were to keep our eyes Open even more so.
After the meeting he called the glasswalkers and told us that we were to portol the city even closer. Then he called everyone and explained to them what *had* to happen. Both Ashes and Gunther looked like they were on the verge of Harano, after explaining they told us to go home to our families.
That was a kick ass game, now it is time for Hugh to Im his Grandpappy, Sleep and patrol more of the city...