Movie Review and Reactions!! (Juno and Sybil)

Jun 08, 2008 21:31


I recently saw the movie Juno. My grandmother had previously seen it and had told me how much she disliked it mainly because it made light of "such a serious and upsetting subject", being teenage pregnancy. Now, I'm of the opinion that teenage pregnancy is one of the least pressing issues being cropping up in our big world today. So that is not an influencing factor on my view of the movie.

Which is brilliant (imho).

Such an awesome movie! Ellen Page, with her dry and sarcastic performance as Juno, the eponymous main character of the movie, brings Juno to life, and stops her from being a witty two dimensional (or maybe one-dimensional, oh god. I'm going to fail geometry) character. Jennifer Garner is also great in this movie, pulling off a believable, if slightly neurotic yuppie who just wants a kid.

And the relationship between Mark (Vanessa's husband and the adopted-father-to-be) and Juno is really cute, in a cringe-y sort of way. It's the delectable younger girl falls in love with man, or older man falls for younger girl type thing. Not quite "Lolita", but you know what I mean. Even though it wasn't really love, it was strong, and I really enjoyed seeing it progress. And I also enjoyed how Juno reacted to Mark's confession that he was leaving Vanessa. Instead of the stereotypical "Oh yay! I love you! Let's go have sex!", she flips, leaving Mark very confused. It wasn't love to her. He really was just her friend.

Michael Cera is a really cute, but underwritten, boyfriend type character. There isn't much to say about him though, which is disappointing, seeing as I really like him as an actor.

Anyway... from good movie to....


My mother and I are very often at odds with each other. Instead of talking to each other about it, she pays for my therapy sessions. Family dynamics right there folks.

So my mom calls me downstairs and sits me in front of the television, and says, "I read this book as a kid. I think you'll really enjoy this movie." Turns on Sybil, and walks away. And then leaves the house. At night.

I love horror movies. Seriously, I do. But this movie scared me so much that I almost stopped watching it in favor of Finding Nemo. And I hate Finding Nemo.

This wasn't the seventies, or sixties version. This was the 2007 version, being broadcast for the first time on June 7th. And holy shit. I thought I had it bad!

List of things I can remember that Hattie did to Sybil, or Sybil experienced as a kid (all of which scared the pants off of me):

-Hattie raped her with a button hook

WTF?!!??! This is the most horrible thing I have ever heard in my life!! Wouldn't that kill you?!?! I swear.... jeez.

-knew Hattie raped other girls

oh god...

-made to watch Hattie defecate on other people's lawns


-Hattie tied her to a piano until she peed in her pants

what?? why?????!!!!!

-Hattie gave her ice-water enemas

*whimpers* fuuck. what person would ever think of doing that. could
ever think of something that horrible??

-made to watch her father bury a dead fetus

THEY SHOW IT IN THE MOVIE!! NOOOOOO!! (i was scared of the fetus in 2001
: A Space Odyssey. This was even worse!)

-made to watch her parents fucking

now that would fuck anyone up

-beaten by Hattie

this is just icing on the mental breakdown cake, people

and so much more

obviously this review is a lot less coherent then the previous one. but GOD. this movie made me want to throw up. :(

but it was a REALLY GOOD MOVIE. I do not lie. (well, not much). :| I liked it, it just scared the shit out of me.

sybil, juno, movie review, mom, teenage pregnancy

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