Title: Trouble in Gotham City (Prologue)
'Verse: DCU (nolan!verse), The Dresden Files (TV!verse)
Characters/Pairings: Harry Dresden, Bruce Wayne
Rating: G, I guess. For now, anyways. ;)
Summary: Ya got trouble, my friend, right here, I say, trouble right here in
Gotham City.
In this city, this glorious, blood-ridden city, something stirs.
The stars are bright, the moon is full, and something in the deep, dark depths rears its craggy head and roars.
They can’t hear it. All of those people, loving and killing and dying. They can’t hear the beast, the thing below.
They’re lucky.
I can hear it, though. I can hear the thundering beat of things in the dark. I could hear it, feel it, all the way from Chicago.
It drew me here.
Trouble in Gotham City.
A masked man stands upon a rooftop, eyes narrowed, silk cape whipping around his ankles like the ocean. The wind is bitter, Jack Frost’s razor fangs biting off as much as they can chew. But despite the piercing cold and the whistling wind, all is quiet.
The calm before the storm.
The Batman leaps from the rooftop, leather wings snapping into place as he glides, the winter air cushioning him like an icy cloud. Patrol is finished and the dawn is upon Gotham.
Something’s coming, and Bruce is determined to find out what.