
May 25, 2012 19:24

So back in January of 2008 when I was 25 I made a post with things I wanted to do by certain milestones in life.

I didn't really do so hot.

"Before 30, I would like to:
have a baby"


"choose a career"

Well, I've chosen what I don't want to do. Education. Do not want.
I seriously don't know what to do with myself. Obviously art of some sort should be part of my day-to-day, but in what manner? I'm not experienced/educated enough to do costume construction professionally, I don't have enough of a personal style to any of the craft forms I do to have an etsy or other site, I suck at self-promotion because if I can't justify to myself a purchase there's no way I could justify it to a potential customer. There's not a whole lot of careers out there that have art and reliable income.

"pimp out the Jeep"

I gave/sold the Jeep, so I guess that's not happening. I do want a Jeep someday, preferably a Wrangler.

"(maybe) buy my motorcycle"

Finally! Something I managed to do! And I ride all the... nope, I don't ride all that much, need to get some better riding gear... But I did one thing on the list...

"develop a part-time business doing artistic and crafty things"

Yeh. Like I could focus on one craft at a time, long enough to make money. Ha. See above about self-promotion/sales issues.

"finish college"

Close, but not. Thirty something credits shy of a Psychology degree. Most of those electives.

"go to school for auto repair"

I know, weird right? Oddly specific goal. Didn't manage to do it. Maybe if we move back down toward Brookdale.

"get a tattoo"

Nope. Although I'm closer. Have the design, have psuedo-approval from my mom. Need to pick an artist and find the $$.

"get my belly button pierced"

I have a feeling this is never happening. Because I will never be satisfied with my body enough to show off my belly, which is the entire point to having your belly button pierced.

And let's not get started on the list to be done by 40. I was apparently out of my mind with aspiration.
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