Blessed quiet and a Good Week!

Dec 18, 2005 23:08

This week has been extraordinary.

It started with a trip to the Emergency Room at Vanderbilt. I know that's not usually good news, and in fact, they were their typical selves with the "hurry up and wait" routine. But the amount of fluid they gave me (see previous entry) has completely changed my attitude, my energy levels, and my appetite. Lo and behold -- I'm eating three meals a day again. I wouldn't call them square yet -- nor very large -- but there's three of them, and I'm getting stuff done around the house.

Then, something I was really worried about was a vehicle. Laughing Bear paid off the van (it was his) and was ready to either sell it or trade it in. Originally, he had planned to sell it to me, but things have changed since then, and he was no longer willing/able to finance it, and I didn't have the cash to pay for it. I was worried because our only "working" vehicle at this point is an Oldsmobile which's tags expire this month (and is currently uninsured) which is unlikely to pass emission testing, needs an engine check, and has transmission problems. In short, it's been nothing but a lemon since Tully bought it (or actually, his ex in-laws bought it for him), and even his friend who buys junk cars and fixes them up doesn't want it. We were hoping to get it fixed up and give it to korens_puppy as a graduation present, but with some investigation we discovered it would cost way more than it's worth to fix, and it wouldn't last long at that. So no go -- no car for graduation, and we have a car we can't drive. This is a problem -- as right now our credit is over-extended, the child support takes most of T's check every week (partly because some is to catch up on old debts, but even once that's paid off, it will still be a big chunk), we aren't even making all of the payments we've agreed on (though there's hope to get debts at least into a place where we can "see the black at the end of the tunnel" so to speak, within six months); and I have to be able to get to Vanderbilt 3-4 times per week, and have something safe to transport Daelin in.

I prayed about it and prayed about it, and it kept coming to me to ask my ex-inlaws. Now, you gotta understand, we're an unusual family. After my my mother, and then my son (their grandson, obviously) died, they (especially Ellie -- "Granny") adopted me and we all just decided "family is family." Once, and I mean only once, have I borrowed money from them (a small amount of a few hundred dollars) since Mike and I divorced, and it took me forever to pay it back. You've got to understand that I did NOT want to ask, but Spirit seemed to be pointing me in that direction, with no where else to turn, and no other source for funds, I finally broke down. Tully's parents had tried to work out getting us a car last year (selling us one of theirs on the cheap when they replaced it), but it turned out they couldn't afford to replace it at the interest rates they could get, so no go. So I "girded up my loins" so to speak, and went and had a cup of coffee with Ellie and Bill and discussed the situation. I proposed what I hoped they would accept as terms (at least a year before we could make more than token payments), and asked to borrow the money to buy the van. They said they'd discuss it and call me.

Meanwhile, I was also worried about the phone, as we needed to move it into one of our name's instead of Keith's (who's been maintaining the account in his name for all this time because of contracts and because he and I both had to be physically present to accomplish all of this), and I was worried about a deposit. Seems my credit was good enough to switch the account into my name without a deposit (wouldn't even try T's right now, as the credit card payment is one of those things past due), and lo, and behold, it was very good -- and we all still have the same phone numbers. Mike is now handling Sarah's phone, and Brian and Keith worked out some sort of deal between them that I'm not privy to. Keeping the same numbers was a big priority -- as doctors, my folks, T's folks, and all of our friends, students and family have those numbers and need to be able to get in touch with us. So we are good there.

So I got the phone call from my ex in-laws and they agreed to loan me the money, so when Laughing Bear walked in the door on Friday, I was able to offer him what the van was worth, and still have enough for tax, title, tags and insurance (though right now we can't afford comprehensive, so we've got to be VERY careful). And since it's paid for (as far as Tennessee Title Records go, anyway), it will actually be in my name, and "safe," so to speak. Can we say R-E-L-E-I-F????? And he (LB) is also moving his stuff -- or at least has begun the process, anyway, into his own storage unit, which will clear out a ton of space both in my house (including the attic) and in storage, so that we can clean out the back room. Still hoping korens_puppy and cybermathwitch will consider rooming with us -- as they are "already family" (so to speak), and we are going to have to have a roommate or housemates of some sort in order to make ends meetvery soon. I have hopes that this, too, will work out. We tend to socialize more or less in the same groups of people, though not exclusively, so it shouldn't be a problem. There are certainly none of their friends that I know of who are unwelcome in a house I live in; in fact, quite the opposite.

Then, when Laughing Bear started vehicle shopping, he was able to get just the vehicle he was looking for (and has wanted for years), and they had it on the lot right here in town (found it on the internet), and everything went incredibly smoothly there. Tomorrow, his fiance is going to get a huge Christmas surprise when he picks her up at the airport to drive home to his parents for Xmas. I haven't seen him this tickled in years, and it's so good to see a friend so happy. (And don't you dare tell Meleah, if you know her, 'cause I'd be dead meat if she finds out before he springs it on her! :->) Though he hasn't exactly kept it a secret, truth be told. But then, she's in Iowa, not here. And the internet is a very, very big place....

So, we've added one more payment to what we owe, and things are going to be incredibly tight. But T's already got a few leads on local jobs that pay more and will get him home every night (even if it's only for a few hours). He's written two or three songs while on the road--while born out of misery, fear, unhappiness and loneliness, they are good songs and just the sort of thing that might help sell a songwriter to a publisher in Nashville (maybe). At least, in tandem with "Out of My Life," which is good enough to a hit single with the right recording artist. As long as T's's trying, working on getting something out there -- he'll be happy. Whether or not he every "succeeds" at song writing isn't really so much the issue, as is the fact that he just loves doing it, and if he doesn't try, nothing *will* ever happen there. So I encourage him all I can.

We are streamlining and cleaning the house, too, and getting rid of excess "stuff," especially stuff that just collects dust or has merely been "collected" over the years. Some of you may receive gifts from my "collection," so watch out! Beware the garage-sale fairy! I decided I didn't have to wait till I'm dead to bequeath things, so if I'm not using it now, and I think you might value it, you're likely to get it. There, did that make sense?

Well -- got to sleep while I can. Have got Daelin this week, and being two (almost), today was a hard and tiring day. He's cutting his two-year molars, has discovered "hurt" and "ow," as concepts (and everything hurts right now-- his foot, his knee, his elbow, etc.--not to mention his gums--which are legit), and is speaking in full, understandable sentences now (though not always). He also is developing a sense of humor. We were at WalMart today (a harrowing experience in and of itself, with small child yelling "Lolly!" loudly and most pitifully, even though I was two feet from him and never left his sight), and we saw "Winnie-ther-Pooh" bedroom slippers. He, of course, said "Bear!" I said, "Do you know what that bear's name is? His name is 'Pooh!'" Oh, he laughed and laughed at that. "Poo? His name is Poo?" Usually they are 3 or 4 before they get that one! I should have told stasia_cat that one when I was one the phone with her earlier, but had just sat down for a breather and didn't think of it...

He's way ahead of his age group, that one. That's a top-notch day-care for ya. Which I'm definitely taking him to in the am, or I will never get my house clean for Wednesday night Solstice....

Yippee Yule to all and to all a good night! And congrats to those who've finished their degrees at MTSU -- including and not limited to pngwen and jessofthebugs!

getting control of my life, updates, hope & good things

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