SED May 1

May 02, 2015 00:21

Well, actually May 2 by now, but I'm still up for a little bit, so hey ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

gelsey May 2 2015, 05:45:19 UTC

I always forget something on my list. It's inevitable.


mimimanderly May 2 2015, 10:50:52 UTC
I do that, too. Even with a list. Even if I am only getting a few items. Occasionally I will overlook something that I must have and have to go back for one item. I really don't like doing that, as I always try to consolidate my trips.


dickgloucester May 2 2015, 08:33:44 UTC
I'm going to need to do a dump run soon.

I do hope the cherry grafts take.


melusin_79 May 2 2015, 08:52:25 UTC
Grafting my cherry tree onto one that seeded itself is also something i need to do - but have never done it before. And once the sun comes out after all the rain we've had, the garden is going to go mad.


bloodcult May 2 2015, 14:21:59 UTC
Very good cherries indeed.
I still have to balance my desire to eat the jam up with a spoon with my desire to make it last.


teddyradiator May 2 2015, 14:22:27 UTC
I understand the 'house is still a pit'. With us living in one room while other rooms are decorated, this place is such a junky mess. Still, I keep telling myself it will be worth it.

I hope the graft works - it's amazing how MOther Nature adapts, isn't it?


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