I am old. For a bit of midnight masochism, I decided to look at the updated points lists. Even with two completely crap results in a row, I am still 28th, which is higher than I was this time last year. Also, if you disregard all of the kids, I'm actually 10th. If I disregarded everyone who doesn't work for a living, or anyone born after 1983, I'm
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Comments 5
I wasn't just competing badly, I was fencing terribly. Couldn't move. One bout against a girl who's okay but not great couldn't have lasted more than 10 seconds. When I advanced, she hit me. Five times.
But yes, perspective is good, and I absolutely believe that you'll get back in there again.
"In what?"
Of course, he's been to practice about once since november, so he doesn't actually get to complain at all.
Which, of course, makes sense, when you realize that if something didn't happen, you don't have to pretend it didn't happen. ;-)
On one hand, my parents were never there holding my water bottle, would usually only drive as far as Ben White's car, and I didn't get a single private lesson in high school--------- On the other, my parents are paying for Smith, which allows me to fence at Smith, and use the money I earn to pay for Prise during vacations. I'm kind of a toss up....
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