Comment here with the prompt(s) of your choice, and you'll get the first one that isn't already taken! When you stake your claim you MUST specify as to what type of fanwork: Fic, Art, Mix, you plan to produce. Remember, even if a prompt has been claimed as a fic you can still claim it as art or a mix or something else.
If you're looking to LEAVE prompts for this challenge visit
THIS POST instead.
But first, please read the following conditions:
Your gift can be any kind of Gabriel/Sam fanwork. This includes fic, artwork, mixes or anything else you can think up that’s full of Sabriel goodness!
You can only claim TWO prompts at a time. Once you've successfully posted one or both prompt gifts then you may claim another but you CANNOT have more than two to your name at any time.
You must post your gift on the day before or your recipient's birthday! This is non-negotiable. If for some reason you cannot post on the required date you MUST e-mail us at sabrielbdaymodsATyahooDOTcom ahead of time so that we can either arrange for one of us to post for you or let your recipient know it'll be a few days late (which will hopefully never need to happen - chances are at least one of us will be available to post even if you’re not *grins*).
In case you are unable to produce a gift for your recipient's birthday (we all know RL has a way of creeping up on us and interfering with our best laid plans…), please let us know at least one week in advance, but the earlier the better! This way we can free up the prompt and maybe someone else will snag it. Extenuating circumstances are, of course, acceptable but forgetting to do it is not!
In the event that you don't post anything on your recipient's birthday and didn’t tell us there was a problem with producing your promised work: If you did not follow the above protocol and let us know, and have left your recipient Birthday gift-less, then you will be BANNED from prompting or claiming in the Sabriel Everlasting Birthday Challenge for an amount of time TBA. This may sound harsh, but think about it - if you’d been expecting a piece of fanwork off someone and they just didn’t bother, you’d be pretty gutted too, wouldn’t you?
If you delete your LJ and I notice, you will automatically forfeit your claim on the prompt. To avoid this, all you have to do is let me know what your new LJ name is before someone else claims the prompt, and I'll update accordingly.
If your recipient deletes his/her LJ and doesn't ask me to update the name, you can do whatever you like.
Hmmm, well, that's seems to be everything. If there are any questions hop on over to the
FAQ post and either I or my partner will answer!
trollmelaBirthday: 6
1. The Winchesters are tired but won’t stop hunting so Gabriel has to force them to settle down. (Perhaps with Castiel’s help? Background Dean/Cas welcome.)
bballgirl3022Birthday: 19
1. Sam is the new high school guidence counselor that chemistry teacher Gabriel has his eye on.
2. Gabriel has minor surgery and his attending nurse is a real looker.
lonelyphoenix85Birthday: 12
1. When Sam takes control back from Lucifer in 5.22, he does something impossible before jumping into the cage - he uses Lucifer's Grace to bring Gabriel back (I'm thinking something to do with Luci being the one who killed him makes it possible). Gabe's not conscious, but after it's all over and he finds out what happened, he moves heaven and earth (literally!) to rescue the hunter.
2. Changing Channels extra scene - Gabriel dumps Dean somewhere else and puts himself and Sam in the lead roles in 'Grease' (who's Sandy and who's Danny is up to you...) - in the 'You're the one that I want' song scene...musical hilarity ensues, and Gabe gets more than he bargained for when Sam doesn't seem resistant to the romance implied...
nilefloodBirthday: 25
1. Sam and Gabriel are ship-wrecked on an island. They don't get on at first, but circumstances push them together. Historical setting please! Claimed by
last_winterrose as fic.
2. A disastrous night out on the tiles. Drunken antics, pranks, running from the law, declarations of love. Think Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F)" Claim by
theangel_ahead as a fic. 2013
3. All-human mpreg AU. Dean thinks Gabriel is a gold-digger, and that Sam is an idiot.
4. It was Gabriel, not Lucifer that fell from Heaven. And now Gabriel, the fun-loving, prankster, kill-you-as-soon-as-look-at-you devil, is bugging the hell out of Sam.
saffron_zephyrBirthday: March 27
I'm just as happy with Team Free Love and Destiel as with Sabriel, so, you know, I'm not gonna snarl over background ships (Easy on the Wincest, though?)
1. H/C with a medical bent. A hunt goes bad, and Sammy needs some angelic patching up. The more details, the shinier.
2. Gabriel is a kinky bastard. He sets out to introduce Sam to some new kinks: wink!kink, rimming, crossdressing, whatever floats your boat but initially weirds Sam right the hell out.
3. Trueform. I don't...I don't really have a prompt, I just love seeing other people get all creative with true forms. <3
4. Babysitting a Wee!Chester. Deaged, or actually young-IDK. I just want to see a strong, capable angel in charge.
hey_mister_djBirthday: 5
1. Insecure!Sam, oblivious!Gabe - Sam is entirely sure that he's just Gabe's favorite plaything of the minute and that the second the angel finds something better he's gonna leave. Gabriel is actually truly in love with Sam, but he doesn't notice that Sam doesn't realize for months. Cue Gabe convincing Sam that he loves him more than anything with words and actions.
2. High school AU - Gabe wants to take his boyfriend to prom, no matter what the school may say about gay couples. So he does, and shit goes down. And then Sam and Gabe go back to Gabe's house to fool around (first time, maybe?)
3. Domestic!AU - Sam and Gabe are married and Sam has never been happier (no children please)
4. Sex pollen - Sam gets infected, Gabe is more than willing to help him out with his little predicament. Claimed by
last_winterrose as a fic.
shi_moBirthday: 8
1. Future-fic. Because of demon blood, being Lucifer vessel etc, Sam is bound to go to Hell after his final death. Gabriel is trying to save him. How it will turn out is up to the author, but I do love angst *wink*
2. AU as far as Mystery Sport goes. Something changes in that half a year Sam spent hunting Trickster down and Gabriel starts to fall for Sam, hm-m probably quite literally. Smut would be nice in that one, but hopeful angsty pre-slash is good too.
3. AU where Jess was Gabriel in female vessel. Make it canon up to House of Holy or Tall Tales? Claimed by
lilithrain as a fic.
4. S7. God resurrects Gabriel to fight the Leviathans. S/G romance ensures.
meh_forget_itBirthday: 19
1. Human!AU - Gabriel isn't sure if the new guy is kinda stupid and ignorant, or just possibly a little shy. What he does know however, is that he's kinda hot.
2. Somehow, Gabriel forces Dean to help him woo Sam (up to author how he does that)
3. Sam meets a certain trickster playing tricks on the local students whilst he's at Stanford.
viviantannerBirthday: 9
1.Dean would do anything for his baby brother, he went to hell for the kid, but when Sammy asks him to accept Gabriel is his boyfriend will they reach a line Dean can't crossed?
2. Gabriel loves Sam, Sam can't see past what he's suffered at the hands of the angel. A hunt gone wrong leaves Sam with a shattered memory, which includes no recollection of history with Gabriel. What does this mean for the pair's future?
3. Sammy/Gabriel goodness inspired by Katy Perry's E.T
4. A fun times fic based off of the following picture:
Claimed by
lilithrain as a fic.
blackmagic661Birthday: 27
1. Sam is the new kid in town that Gabriel likes to prank him for reason unknown to Sam
eosroseBirthday: 1
1. Sam's view of his own self-worth is in tatters. Without meaning too, Gabriel makes it worse. Hurt/Comfort, please.
philstar22Birthday: 12
1.AU where Gabriel joined team free will. Dean and Cas are spending a lot of time together, alone, so Sam starts to bond with Gabriel.
2.Prank war. Sam enlists Gabriel's help to win a prank war against Dean.
bmlhillenkeeneBirthday: 20
Can I have some hurt!Gabriel? Something where someone really hurts his feelings would be cool. I'd like it for no one to really notice at first because Gabriel is trying to act normally, but eventually it shows and there is some comfort. It doesn't have to be Sam, dean or cas who hurt him, but they (Sam) should defiantly do the comforting
wolfish_willowBirthday: 24
Prompts: (note: I'm not big on Destiel. And bottom!Sam is my fave, but Gabriel/Sam is probably the one pairing I'm not actually too picky over that in)
1. Pining!Sam believing there's absolutely no way Gabriel could/should want him. (I've got a thing for insecure/self-loathing Sam. >_>)
2. High School/College AU - pretty much anything. Bullied!Sam is always a plus, but so long as neither of them are jerks I'll be happy.
3. Domestic fic (or art), Gabriel gives Sam a puppy/kitten (or BOTH, oOoOoO)
wrathwingsBirthday: 26
1. non!AU Gabriel's been watching over Sam since the Winchester was born. Would love to see Gabriel's POV meeting Sam for the first time in the show.
2. Their love story told in reverse. Take it as you will.
3. non!AU Sam and Gabriel want to get Dean and Castiel together. It works out for everyone.
4. AU Gabriel and Sam meet when one of them leaves their bride at the altar.
lilithrainBirthday: August, 27th.
Prompts: (I'm pretty much up for everything. Permanent death isn't my cup of tea. Dean/Castiel, go for it. or you can just have them as friends. That said if you just want to make Gabriel and Sam just mates (friends) that's cool too.)
1. "Now there's a man I could just eat with a spoon." Either said about Sam or Gabriel, by either Sam or Gabriel.
2. Gabriel's always been creative, but of late he's been on a bit of knitting kick. Or anythign craft related for that matter, and decides that Sam needs a things. Except, Sam doesn't know where all these craft "things" (clothes, nick nacks, stuff toys, whatever you like") are coming from. Dean thinks it's fricking hilarious. Castiel has ideas.
3. AU: Sam is one of the stars in Cirque du Soleil. His brother; Dean, is in the show too. Castiel takes his older brother Gabriel to one of the more Erotic shows from the prduction group for his birthday and as luck would have it (or a crafty younger sibling) Gabriel catches a teddy bear from teh star of the show. Except this ain't no ordinary teddy bear.
4. Wild West Themed. A lost horse appears in one of the stalls at the Winchester Ranch. The hunters (or not your preference) who are used to breaking in horses for other hunters. She only comes to Sam, so for a time she becomes Sam's girl. Until one day when he's changing her shoes, he finds enochian script on the underside of her horse shoes.
rubystandishBirthday: 28
1. During a hunt gone wrong, one of Gabriel's wing is wounded and although Sam can't see it he want to do everything he can to help. Claimed by
viviantanner as a fic. 2013
2. SPN meets Romeo and Juliet, lovers kept apart by the everlasting battle between their two families. Only with a happy ending.
3. A Christmas fic base around the song "Last Christmas"
4. Sam wants to do a big surprise for Valentine Day for Gabriel but find it hard to plan when the archangel is always watching him even when he not there.
mithrelBirthday: 1
1. Sam is hurt somehow (on a hunt, fight with a Horseman, etc) and for some reason Gabriel’s the one taking care of him. H/c and first time please
2.AU. Dean’s sick of his brother mooning around and tries to set him up with someone. After several disastrous attempts, he finds the perfect guy by accident (Dean/Cas as a background pairing welcome).r 1
shadwrayvnBirthday: 1
1. Sam is enjoying his relationship with Gabriel but Loki's kids come to ask Sam to prove he is worth their dad
2. As a gift for stopping the Apocalypse God is granting John & Mary a week on Earth to meet their sons other halfs too bad John thought he killed the trickster
3. Gabriel can't stand Lucifer claiming Sam as his so he takes it upon himself to mark Sam as his own
4. Gabriel decides to include more sweets into Sam's diet cue Sam's bitchfaces.
loveinstarsBirthday: 8
Prompts: (Just a note, I prefer bottom!Sam)
1. Sam is Lucifer's Vessel, they have a connection in spite of everything and they get along very well, like best friend level. However, Sam is with Gabriel and loves him but Gabriel finds himself often jealous of the easy rapport Sam has with the fallen angel. Post Apocalypse-That-Never-Was of course. Bonus points if Lucifer gave up on being evil because of Sam being awesome and introducing him to favorite human things.
2. Sam's an abused orphan bouncing from foster home to foster home. Gabriel is one of the sons of the family that just took him in and he teaches Sam that not everything in life is as he's seen it. Age difference allowed but nothing too extreme, try to keep Sam around 16 or 17, almost legal to be on his own.
3. Sam is taken by hunters who don't appreciate what he's done to the world. However, they didn't realize he'd been claimed by an Archangel and Gabriel is not pleased by what they've done to his human.
enmuseBirthday: 12
1. It's not that Dean really dislikes Gabriel, but he knows his brother and Sammy's in for the long haul - Dean's not convinced Gabriel's committed.
kahuri_chanBirthday: 27
1. AU Post 5x19 A failed attempt to revive Gabriel sends Sam back to a time when Gabriel masquraided as Loki full time bonus points if Sam is Gabes mate in that time.
2. Something fluffy sweet and cavity inducing
3. Hurt/Comfort Gabriel comes back to find his brother taken over by the Laviathen and Sam a broken wreck of a man can either one truly heal the other?
mangacrackBirthday: 31
Prompts: (Personally I'm sick of the amount of domestic fluff. Throw in Angst, Drama, Sam angry at Dean, Sam with powers or Sam insane and you can't do wrong!
Don't: please don't use "Cas" or "Gabe" ... they have full names, for the Chuck's shake!)
1. S7. After the wall breaks Sam remembers that the combined archangel's grace has turned him into Michael's and Lucifer's bastard child. With powers, enochian knowledge and everything. But he the world is out of balance with Gabriel and Raphael gone, and he needs at least one of them to defeat the Leviathan.
2. S7. Sam fell into purgetory, not Dean. To survive he becomes the beast he always should have been, but now Gabriel finds him interesting at least.
3. Avengers Fusion. The Angels are the Asgardians and Gabriel is Loki, the second Prince. Michael is the Heir, who is desperate and worried and Sam takes the role of Hawkeye, the agent who is put under mind control / Gabriel's influence. Both end up bonding over they issues, while Gabriel does for a path of destruction.
4. "What the fuck. Who comes up with these spells? Assholes, that's who. Assholes with way too much time on their hands." (creature! or insane-powers!Sam)