Aww, poor Lee-kun :'< getting bullied by chibi Neji. No worries for it's Tenten the Super Babysitter to the rescue ^-~
sorry it's so light, I'll try to scan darker next time and I have seen pics of Tenten taking care of her chibified teammates, but I felt like drawing it too ^ ^
*Both in a dreamy state*
Neji: You're my destiny.
Tenten: Is that true?
Gosh, that sounded so cliched yet somehow so Neji, don't ya think? ♥ ^-^ wanted to see what Tenten would look like with a ponytail and actually thinking about drawing that hairstyle on her for the manga... but then it wouldn't be Tenten without her signature bun-style... hmm *ponders on what to do*
I would have had more scans (some new, some old) but I had to 'clean' my room aka stuff everything into the drawers of my desk T.T;; because we had relatives coming over and *sigh* I'll scan some more later ...if I can find them later in the piles and piles of papers that I have to resort through o-o;; *sigh* so disorganized >-<