Haha, I was very surprised to see my name on my friends page ^_^
Loveliness! These are happy days indeed for all of us....*dotes on fanart* Tenten is sooo cute, as is chibi shirtless Neji. And that last one - HA. She looks so innocent with her ice lolly - poor Neji - and I really like that sporty outfit you gave her. Smexy. ^_^
*blinkblink* You...drew these....? Based on my fanfics?
*tearyeyes* I LOVE YOOOOOUUUUU. *glompglompglomp*
I can't decide whether I love the cute-looking Tenten - I really like her shirt in the Reversal one - or the little suffering Neji chibis (hee hee, he's in a sheet) or the one more serious one from the Dream a Little Dream.
*cocks head to the side* And I REALLY like how pleased she looks when she's eating her icecream. Oh yes.
*glomps back ♥♥♥* your fanfics just scream illustrate meee! ^__~ I like her shirt in the reversal one and the ice cream was fun to draw. Glad you like them~
Comments 4
Loveliness! These are happy days indeed for all of us....*dotes on fanart* Tenten is sooo cute, as is chibi shirtless Neji. And that last one - HA. She looks so innocent with her ice lolly - poor Neji - and I really like that sporty outfit you gave her. Smexy. ^_^
*tearyeyes* I LOVE YOOOOOUUUUU. *glompglompglomp*
I can't decide whether I love the cute-looking Tenten - I really like her shirt in the Reversal one - or the little suffering Neji chibis (hee hee, he's in a sheet) or the one more serious one from the Dream a Little Dream.
*cocks head to the side* And I REALLY like how pleased she looks when she's eating her icecream. Oh yes.
♥ ♥ ♥
Oh, you guys and your Neji torture has rubbed off on me D: sorry, Neji~
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