I forgot to tell everyone, for showing there love to me on my birthday... even thought I wasnt home I had a great time.. miss you Terri.. Anyways Im back from NY.. I had a great freakin' time! wish I was still there causing trouble with my bud... anyways Im out.. if you freaks wanna hang out with me Call me!
yes its true Im old.. but at least I ge6t to spend my bday with my g/f!! she is so sweet she suprised me this morning with a ballon, and donuts!!! cute! well Im off to get ready for our fun day!
My life is goin to fuckin hell... I swear every fuckin hour, something goes wrong.... these last 2 weeks havbe been HELL! the only good thing is that Im goin to NY on weds.!! I just hope nothing else happens to me.............. right now I wann fukcing SHOOOOOOOOOOOOT my self! well thatys all for now. bye