Bath, England Location where Peninnah was created in the architecture of St. James. Though the exact area is Avebury about 20 minutes outside of Bath.
Camouflage Peninnah has the ability to disappear into shadows and blend perfectly into stonework
Charges The term Peninnah uses for any under her care.
Claws Peninnah has 4 inch retractable claws on her feet. They are so strong and sharp they can slice through stone and steel.
Faith The one thing Peninnah relies on. She works to instill faith in others be it faith in God or themselves.
Father Chrisofer The first priest to realize Peninnah was actually a living statue. He taught her to speak and read to her from many books. He was the one who named her sacred eyes. His death during WWII is the failure that lead to her transformation.
Fear Peninnah can cause fear. She prefers not to injure others. If forced, particularly by a large group, she can instill the fear of God in any who seek to harm her, her charges or the structure she watches over.
Gargoyle The most common name for what Peninnah is. She dislikes the word and believes it portrays her kind as monsters.
God God created her. Peninnah has unlimited faith in God. However she is not entirely convinced that God is one being.
Group comfort A skill Peninnah possesses that can comfort and calm those in her presence. This is not a magic ability but a combination of her mild manners, humility and calm, soothing voice.
Guardian Peninnah’s preferred term for herself.
Harpy Girl When Peninnah was abducted and sold to the circus; harpy girl was the stage name she was given.
Judgment Peninnah lacks this when it comes to people. She believes only God has the right and authority to judge others.
Long Sleep A state of suspended animation a gargoyle can enter. While in this state they are unmoving but still aware of the comings and goings around them and within the structure they guard. Peninnah has passed several of these periods in her lifetime.
Molding Stone Peninnah can mold stonework with her hands. Being part of the stone itself she has an affinity for it and literally asks it to change shape for her.
Neutrality Peninnah is true neutral. She does not and will not choose sides. To her perceptions a demon is just as worthy of comfort and compassion as a human, an angel or anything else.
Peninnah Name given to her by Eve. It is Hebrew for the Precious or sacred stone.
Pilgrimage By 1250 AD pilgrimages started to St. James in order to ask for protection from the church and its priests.
Sanctuary Peninnah’s main duty, particularly during wartime, is to offer sanctuary. That is to take in anyone requesting sanctuary, care for them and defend them from any who would bring them harm.
afyrestarter is currently under sanctuary.
Sacred Eyes The name given to her by Father Chrisofer when she was still in her lion form.
St. James The first church she defended. Built from 1090-1137 AD. The church’s rectory was destroyed in the German bombings of England. While the church was repaired some of the rectory ruins were left as a monument to those who fought and died in WWII
St. Julien’s Peninnah’s current station. Given to her protection by Father Darius (
on_holy_ground). The church is located in Manhattan.(Note: I use images of Manhattan's trinity church to portray this building)
Statuary Peninnah herself is statuary. She can also create the effect that makes people believe statuary and other stone elements are “watching them”.
Stonework Peninnah can speak with the stonework. She is part of the stonework. When she takes on a new building she integrates into the stone structure of the building.
Telepathy Peninnah has significant telepathic abilities. She rarely uses them and when she does it is almost always for self-defense.
The Call Refers to two separate things. The call of God to serve her duties is one. The other is that Peninnah can hear her charges call for her no matter where she is and where they are. As long as both are within hearing distance of stone, even gravel, she can hear.
The Lion Peninnah’s first form as she was carved into the church. It is a mixture of mountain lion and dog with huge bat like wings.