I am selling some things to make my load lighter to you all know I am moving there!
I have DOUJINSHI'S for sale! Mostly Akame....and a few Myojo as well...
Payment Details
1. All prices are in US dollars!Prices do not include shipping and packaging
2. Payment by PayPal; extra charge for balance transfers or credit card transfers.
3. Shipping and handling not included in prices.
4. I will ship items only after payment is received.
5. I am not responsible for lost or damaged items.
6. I will hold for and item for 3 days and then release it.
7. No refunds.
Item #1
Pikame Nobuta Wo
Item #2
Gokuzen Ryo & Hayato
Item #3
Gokuzen - Ryo & Hayato
Item #4
Gokuzen - Ryo & Hayato
Item #5
Gokuzen - Ryo & Hayato
Item #6
Gokuzen - Ryo & Hayato
Item #7
KAT-TUN Koki & Kame (kitty version SO DAMN CUTE!!!>,<)
iTEM #8
KAT-TUN Nakamaru + Koki
Item #9
KAT-TUN All around fun book with some Akame...
Item #10
KAT-TUN fun book + Akame
Item #11
DA PUMP - Issa & Shinobu / Ken & Yukinari
Item #1
Myojo Jan. 2007
Item #2
Wink Up June 2007
Item #3
Wink Up April 2007
Item #4
Myojo August 2006
$8USon hold
Item #5
Myojo May 2006
$8US on hold
Item #6
Myojo November 2006
Item #7
Myojo June 2007
Item #8
Gyao June 2007
$8USon hold