What a GREAT time!!!

Apr 02, 2008 11:41

Mello to all those that read my LJ...

Well, yesterday as you all know...I LEFT FOR TOKYO JAPAN!!!

I wish I could show pictures...but I can't...

So, my sister, mom and Kazu (lj user="akam3lov3"> dropped me off at the airport. We all ate bagels(Kazu had a CRRRRRRRRROSSANT ::snickers::) just to be different! XD

So, when we got there had a bit of drama with my one, out of 4, suitcases but got it straightened out okay! Then, It was time to say goodbye! My sister was strong as usual! ^_^ but my mommy, the softy that she is, started to cry!
My mommy is so sweet she said on the fone she went home and sat in my room and cried....Oka-san aishiteru ne! XD I miss everyone at home...including Tobi!

So, once past the gate of "goodbyes" I went through security! Man oh man did they ever rape me! They made me take almost EVERYTHING out of my carry-on and had me take off both jackets and one of my shirts...plus shoes! It took me FOREVER to re-pack everything!

Finally, once to my gate I had to sit for about 15 minutes and they started to board my plane early! That was cool! Once on the plane I went back to my seat only to see a woman and her child together (3 seats in a row) I saw the littel boy in the middle seat STRUGGLING to see out my window so I told them it was okay that I would take the aisle. You should have seen the little boys face light up! He was so happy as the mom talked to me about he was trying to ask the lady if he could take that seat. Once after introductions were over the plane took off and I passed out...Fell asleep so bad the the next thing the woke me up was the langing....

Once off me and the lady+child(Cindy and Frank) we all walked to the gate together but stopped to stare at this AMAZING fountain!! It was EXTREMELY cool! I wish I had a camera with me! >.<

Once on the next plane there was, thank god, a spare seat between me and this man so we both were able to relax A LOT better, otherwise I would've been uncomfortable!

The movies on the plane were: Bee Movie, Elizabeth and Dan In real life...
Now...bee movie I don't remember AT ALL! I was so fast asleep! Elizabeth I saw in the movies with akam3lov3 I enjoyed it and enjoyed watching SOME of it again...I only caught the last 45 minutes..

Now, Dan in Real Life suprised me....I didn't think I was gona like it and I did....it was a lil' rocky at the beginning...kinda slow but then it picked up and it turned into a sweet comedy-romance...Mommy if your reading this...go rent it!

Then...since all the lights went out after the movie I passed out again...LOTS OF SLEEP!! and again only woke up when we landed..I was hungry since they didn't wake me for my food...>.<

Once off the plane, I went through to immagration which turned out to be easier then I imagined!! I picked up my 4 bloody suitcases...nothing busted THANK GOD! and walked out only to receive a HUGE welcoming from Koji and his two friends; Gon-chan and betonamu <--- both of these names are NICKNAMES and I do not remember their real names...

So, after we got into the car it was about one hour drive into Tokyo! So much laffign and funny english/japanese spoke back and forth! Just the drive home was GREAT!

Once home...Koji and Betonamu helped carry my stuff upstairs! Koji DEMANDED he see my "Johnny's Suitcase" so they all opened it and was amazed by all the stuff leaving me VERY embarrassed!!

After, I got everything upstairs we went out for supper. It was at a Yakitori house and it was YUMMY!!! There was SO much food! and I REALLY enjoyed Grilled cheeze! it was cheeze chunks on a stick! OISHIIII!!!

I drank quite a lot! I had this orange drink, yogurt drink, and then and apple one too! All of it was GOOD but strong!!! Then more people showed up to meet me and welcome me to Japan! One girl was Koji's girlfriend; Ame. She is REALLY sweet but VERY shy! As well as Betonamu's friend Shinji...Now Shinji is hot...like SUPA HOTTY! And I had to sit next to him which only made me calm up even more becuz he was SO HOT >.< ::dies:: first nite here and already dying...SHASHIMIIIIIIII <---akam3lov3 He looked like Naoya Goumoto...just J-rock version! he had chains and a hat on...everyone knows my thing for hot guys in hats...and if you dunno who Naoya Goumoto looks like here:

Just put a hat on him and some chains and you'll have Shinji...pity I've ALWAYS crushed on Naoya...for a second I almost died becuz I thought it WAS him...lol watashi wa baka yaro!

After the restuarant...we all went back to Koji's house for MORE drinking...at this point I am Almost drunk! and listened to Da Pump..in which I sang songs with Gon-chan and Ame-chan! SO MUCH FUN =v= KAZU READ THIS BECUZ THIS WILL HAPPEN WHEN YOU COME TOO!!!

So, after all this I FINALLY went to bed....slightly drunk and with 5 new friends! I can't wait what tomorrow will bring!!


japan 2008

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