I finally wrote a review

May 29, 2007 05:10

Once upon a time there was a girl named Darling. Darling spent every day in her little yard with a wasp named Fastblack. She named him Fastblack because he was more black than yellow and more fast than kind. She loved him anyway.

When they were married, Fastblack built a tiny hive around her ring finger. He lived in the hive and every morning he ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

blectum May 29 2007, 17:00:51 UTC
Did you really write this?

"Moris drank so much that he started writing poetry."


sadcabbit May 30 2007, 19:27:06 UTC
To be honest I wrote it last year about the Brown Bunny

but death proof angered me almost as much so I reused it


Hey paul, Tis Caitlin whiterain424 October 2 2007, 06:48:06 UTC
We'll l Just wanted to say that I just took a brilliant romp through that whimsical world you call a short story. It was so hap hazard, that few could top the multiple leaps of the imaginative interjections which seem to constantly abound throughout. And I must thank you for Pick-me-up this story has given me. And you certainly were correct, the oral surgery was a cake-walk. And I'm not sure if it is just the darvasets talking but I feel splendiferous. Take care.


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