Hello, you were undoubtably sent this email because the admin of this site, myself, has discovered your email address online, and was led to believe you had a sudden or eternal interest in poetry or writing or more specifically the likes of ee cummings, and I can't forget to mention Pablo Picasso.
http://www.mindflowers.co.uk is an online community/forum/mad house that is devoted to the arts. You can post your own personally written poetry/prose/anything here, and we also have section for artwork and photography, and much more.
I do hope you accept this invitation, and join your fellow artists at MindFlowers dot coe dot yookay!!
Comments 1
Hello, you were undoubtably sent this email because the admin
of this site, myself, has discovered your email address online,
and was led to believe you had a sudden or eternal interest in poetry
or writing or more specifically the likes of ee cummings,
and I can't forget to mention Pablo Picasso.
http://www.mindflowers.co.uk is an online community/forum/mad house that is devoted to the arts.
You can post your own personally written poetry/prose/anything
here, and we also have section for artwork and photography, and much more.
I do hope you accept this invitation, and join your fellow artists
at MindFlowers dot coe dot yookay!!
Hope to see ya there!
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