Title: Blankets
Disclaimer: None you know are belong to us.
Warnings: reference to canon romance; unbeta'ed
Characters: Sam; mentions of John, Dean, Jess
Rating: G
Wordcount: ~110
Spoilers: none that I know of.
A/N: Random ficlet is random.
Under the covers is the safest Sam's ever felt.
When he was a kid, he hid from monsters, Dean a better teddy than anything made out of cloth.
When he was a teen, he hid from Dad, from Dean, from everything, the blankets a blessing, the darkness underneath all his.
When he was in Stanford, sharing a quilt with Jess, feeling her warmth along his own skin, breathing her, made him happier, calmer than in years.
Once back on the road, though, there's no rest for him in beds anymore.