Title: Catharsis, part 1
Disclaimer: None you know are belong to us.
Warnings: animal transformation; unbeta'ed; crack?
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam
Rating: G
Wordcount: ~810
Spoilers: Gen Season Four.
A/N: There was just this image in my head, and I couldn't get rid of it.
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Comments 3
Although, I couldn't help but to notice that there's a distinct lack of cat!Castiel curled up over Dean's naked back... ;)
But *EEEEE* cat!Castiel. \o/ \o/ I love animal transformation fics *is weird* and this is just so damn awesome and cute and *wheeee*!!
Will there be moar? Like cat!Castiel sleeping on Dean and waking Dean up by staring at him and Sam petting cat!Castiel while he (Cas, I mean) is purring in Dean's lap and cat!Castiel chasing a string and... *EEE*
*FLAILS* I love you, you know that right? *SMISHES*
Although, I couldn't help but to notice that there's a distinct lack of cat!Castiel curled up over Dean's naked back... ;)
It'll be in the follow-up. *headdesk*
Besides, I still have to find a way to have Castiel draped over Dean's shoulders, purring his little heart away... ;)
*SMISHES back*
I'm just happy you like it!
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