Spoilers up to and including 4x21, none whatsoever for the S4 Finale. I haven't seen the promo, nor know a single thing about it, and wish to remain so.
The place where Sam drew Dean to is a town by the name of Cold Spring, according to Bobby.
It's a plausible place name. Non-threatening, easy...normal.
However, being the language nut that I am, my mind began flailing with all the possible interpretations of it, associations, relations with a dash of help from
The place where the Great PsyKid Smackdown of 2007 took place in All Hell Breaks Loose, Part One (2x21), Cold Oak, has a similar ring. Although it was a town in the middle of nowhere, too, Cold Oak is inhabited only by ghosts as the legend goes, whereas Cold Spring is suggested to be lively enough.
And the words that make up the name, together and apart?
* having a relatively low temperature; having little or no warmth
* chilled
* lacklng in passion, emotion, enthusiasm, ardour, etc.
* not affectionate, cordial, or friendly
* failing to excite feeling/interest
* unexcitable; imperturbable
* depressing; dispiriting
* unconscious
* lifeless
* faint; weak
* relative absence of heat
* sensation produced by loss of heat from the body
* cold weather
* common cold, illness
* with complete competence, thoroughness, or certainty; absolutely
* without preparation or prior notice
* in an abrupt, unceremonious manner
* to move upward or forward; to move suddenly
* to appear or come into being quickly
* to become warped, split, or cracked
* to cause to dart, leap, or come forth suddenly
* to jump over; vault
* to actuate
* to rise or extend upward
* to explode, as a mine
* to begin to appear
* elastic device, as a coil of wire
* sudden movement
* season between winter and summer; time of growth
* the first stage or freshest period
* figurative: the origin or source of something
* informal, dated: an escape or release from prison
* archaic: the dawn
Cold Spring: frigid water (that's thicker than blood), doomed blooming, unexcitable escape? The beginning of the end? The dead progenitor (Azazel)? Going through the (e)motions? Swift, rational change? The first level of Apocalypse? What?
Considering the premise of S4, the idea of something arising, cursed from the get-go, is worrisome. Will we get Sam reaching his potential, getting his revenge by 'growing up'? Will the last seals needed be broken, and the first among the Fallen, the source and origin of demonkind, Lucifer let out?
Only Kripke and co. know before the Finale.
Now I'm going to step away from LJ and continue knitting a scarf in order to avoid spoilers. Take care, everyone. I'm looking forward to reading what you all think about the Finale, the road so far...