And suddenly, it's been more than two months since I've last really paid attention to LJ... Mostly because of the baby, but there's also the fact that I got tired of Star Trek-stuff and dodging spoilers.
I hope all of you had a lovely summer, though. :)
But now...the Show!
Blessedly spoilerfree, even though dear husband's been making faces for the last month or so, having learned a thing or two and squirming to tell me. :p
The Road So Far...
And we're off with a bang. The song sounds familiar, and seeing the Impala race down a road in the night just... Oh, how could I not love the Show? :)
Loving the speed-up version of the beginning of Lazarus Rising (4x01), too.
But why are they nutshelling only season 4? Certainly they can't think no one needs to know about oh, Mary, John, all that?
Talking of John, there's the pyre. No, wait, that was just that poor bastard, Jake.
CASTIEL! \o/ With his voice...
But Zachariah still seems way too much like Boss Smiley for my tastes...
Whoever's responsible for the recaps, the music, though... *tips hat* Kudos.
And flowing seamlessly from the finale into this... and the world's still gonna get fucked. Unless Kripke/co. have heard about the resurrected Red Dragon, and have thought it an awesome idea. :)
Been entertaining the thought that it would provide pleasant symmetry if this ep's name turned out to be along the lines of Michael Falling...
ETA: But maybe they're saving that one for the finale?
Heeeee. The light and the noise, in line with what we learned about the angels in S4 and making me unreasonably happy. :D
The boys, however, are about to have their ears blown. I wonder about that blood circle, though; can't help but think about seals... save that that's supposed to be a circle the summoned should be able to cross without a problem.
Wait. What?
How'd the boys end up in a plane? First time since Phantom Traveller (1x04), too.
ETA: The Show's learned to answer questions obliquely.
Hee. I like random, unexpected bursts of energy.
I'll assume they'll tell us why Dean looks so freaked out. Can't be just because "planes crash", can it? :p
ETA: They didn't, in so many words. But considering the situation, the last couple of hours/days, no one should blame Dean for being a tad on the queasy side.
Oh. Nice. I like the new title card. You can never go wrong with pretty splatters of blood. And the whispering. And the pulse. *approves wholeheartedly*
It promises Good Things, imo. And it's still all about the blood, is it?
And now the boys are in a car (that's not the Impala), driving along a nightly road. Who the hell shuffles the deck every time the boys are about to lose?
ETA: No one in hell, 'parently.
"Sympathy For The Devil"
Especially since that song's so very, very, very delightful, and has been used in association with lovely things... including
Fallen. :)
Detail: For the heck of it, watch the blurry lights behind the boys. In S4, they featured quite a lot of reds and yellows but here? They're white, with a couple of oranges, pale greens thrown in...
*supports Dean's desire to find Castiel*
Or cash. :p
But that doesn't look good. However... *approves Pretty Blood Splatters*
*hides from credits*
CHUCK! \o/ With a...thing?
"You were like full-on Vader-"
"Your eyes were black?"
"I didn't know."
Sam, love. You're breaking my heart here with that evading look of yours, but couldn't you have said something like "Sorry, didn't have a mirror" or just "I don't know"?
But at least you're not Lying to Your Brother. Let's keep it that way, hmm?
What, no Castiel? :(
And yet, there's Zachariah. There's no fairness in the universe. :(
"I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?' So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."
Zachariah seems to need a lesson or two on How To Sucker Humans Into Doing Your Will. Or just How To Sucker A Winchester. Too bad Alistair's out of the picture.
Huh. You don't need to be an angel for the seal to work. Unless Dean's not telling us something. Funny, that.
Is it just my lousy memory, or have some rules and regulations changed, allowed the show to feature language worse than before?
Hee. I like the boys and their rundown hotels. Regent Inn sounds familiar, too.
The Box O' Silver Bullets! Dean's Colt! \o/
"I... learned it from Ruby."
*sigh* SAM. That hesitation better be because you don't want to make Dean jealous creeped out even more than he already is, and not because it's not (a part of) the truth.
"Why do you keep bringing it up?"
Thank you, Dean. I'll rather have the two of you moving on than oversharing.
And gods, but JAck's pretty.
That's a nice bit of framing, Dean talking to Sam, the mirror reflecting only Sam.
Pike Creek, Delaware looks like a location the Show's used a lot.
When waking up after a curious night, check that you have all your body parts. Next, check that all your near and dear ones are intact. Chances are, however, that they're in bits and pieces, at least if you've got bloody hands and you don't happen to be of female persuasion...
Heeeeee! I love hallucinations when they're like this. :)
They creep the hell out of me, but I still love 'em.
Oh, please... Kripke and co.? Sign me up as one of those who'd really like it if what happens in fandom, stays in fandom. I know we're depraved and dirty-minded and all, and have multiple times expressed the desire for the boys to get from UST to RST, but methinks I prefer implicit to explicit.
John's Journal! \o/
And whoever's responsible for the decor in that room (number 35, btw)... *snicker*
"And you're - not what I pictured."
*glee* Makes you wonder how she did imagine Dean, doesn't it?
In a castle on a hill made of 42 dogs? Wtf? I think it's a pun. Fails me at the moment, though.
Her randomness is delightful, though. And as comic reliefs go, methinks I'd stand her.
But there's still no Castiel. :(
Something about Bobby just immediately hugging the boys melts my heart.
Makes what follows hurt all the more, and I'm afraid that's what Kripke and co. were after.
But they're seriously letting Sam go off alone? They learned nothing, did they? *hsssst*
ETA: On hindsight, they played it well, imo.
"It's a card for my dad's lock-up in upstate New York."
Heeee! Bad Day At Black Rock (3x03).
Wtf? Bobby's not driving. Or then he's really serious about it all. Personal guess? Angel abductee. You'd think Bobby'd have all sorts of funky demon-repellant tattoos (hush, brain, hush), but 'parently not. Bugger it.
Her death was so unremarkable that Dean no longer remembers it the day after? Or does he think she's Extra Super Hard to kill?
Meg! \o/
But... she doesn't sound like Meg. I still like to listen to her, so we'll wait and see. \o/
"These are the days of miracle and wonder, Dean."
That sounds awfully familiar... ETA: Paul Simon's
The Boy In The Bubble.
Could we stop with the demon tongue action, though?
Hmm... Sorry, but either it's high time for Bobby to go (surviving almost three full seasons with the Winchesters?) or then he'll just shrug it off and be back on his feet in no time, so... we'll wait.
"Hiya, Sammy."
Whatever happened to good ol' "howdy, Sam"? :(
Here's a question: how did Sam figure out who's wearing the darkling girl that quick?
And we're back to Pike Creek.
DO NOT WANT. Whatever it is, they should keep babies out of it. Just... No.
But they played this so very, very well. I applaud the fact they chose not to show anything gruesome, just... the blood and the pristine bed. Hitting all the right buttons after the initial DNW-reaction.
There's a part of me that's really enjoying Nick's story, though. Far, far more than the one with the Boys.
Talking of which... Oh, boys. Your canonical (lack of) first aid skills continue to astound me.
I wonder if this'll help blow the Boys' FBI-cover, btw.
"Oh, thank God, the angels are here."
*draws big, sparkly hearts around Dean and JAc's skill of deliveryk*
Dean = Michael sword. O-kay. Heh.
"Joking. Always joking. Well... No more jokes. Bang."
And this marks the spot where I began to actually bloody love Zachariah, pushed to do what he simply must in order to get what 'has to' happen. This is why angels are as bad as demons, consent issues and all.
I wonder how many fanfics there are, already, playing with the angels' apparent ability to rule reality by their whims.
Who's doing the Lightshow? Kosh?
I've missed that voice. I've missed this wonderful, fucked-up 'verse. *PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*
"No. That's not possible..."
Hm? Sam's still lungless? *handwaving of random realism happens whenever necessary*
So now the boys have two signs to protect them: the tattoos from demonic possession, and the carved ribs from angelic detection. Heee. \o/
Hee. Should just trust the Show. And Misha. *sparkly, fluffy hearts all around*
I like Nick. I like this scene that's creeping the heck out of me.
Lovely how similar and different this, Lucifer talking to Nick, cajoling him to agree, is to the one Dean shared with Tessa in In My Time of Dying (2x01).
Methinks it would be worth a meta to compare Nick and Dean, btw. Their situations, their choices, the ways their consent is sought. *thinky*
See? Bobby'd shrug it all off in no time, even with the Boys' 'help'. However... I'm not 100% sure I'm okay with this. It'll be just too easy for him to become Bobby Ex Machina. And Bobby lacking the rib-sign, being essentially the Boys' only pal.... guess who should be targeted? And I can't say I like that idea at all, either.
Considering that dear, awesome Pam fell from a similar blow, I'm a tad annoyed.
Go, Dean! Who needs plans when you've got guts? :)
Detail: Bobby's in St. Martin's hospital.
But oh, Show... Just. *flails*
On the other hand... they've got 21 eps to fix them. But still... Sam just standing there while Dean gets into the car? *breaks*
So in the end, what do I think of this ep, having slept on it?
It's not Supernatural for Dummies, and that makes it an unusual first ep, imo. The viewer's not told that much about the world, the people. I hope it won't backfire.
The Boys' part of the episode seems cramped and confusing at times, like Kripke and co. had wanted to fit in everything they possibly could. Nick's parts are in sharp contrast to this: quiet, dark, 'slow'. I like them, the lack of people while the rest of the ep seems to be so very full. They paint the picture much clearer than the Boys' fumbling.
All in all, this is okay. I'm ready to wait and see what's what, how it all will turn out. It could've been worse, it could, most likely, been better, but I'm happy enough with how it is.
Time will tell whether or not it'll turn out awesome. :)
ETA: Oh, fudge. I went and missed
blindfold_spn, round 2? BUGGER.
Have hardly touched computers during the summer. But the language and these beautiful boys filled with brambles... it feels like an old, comfortable blanket, slipping into their company again.