
Jan 20, 2004 20:32

wow, i noticed i never really talk about things in my journal anymore, it's just mostly pictures and such. but not this one. hmm.. let's see, what's new? not that much i guess. half car has been practicing and playing a lot of shows, we've got one on thursday down state in charleston, which should be fun. then the day after that we've got a show at ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

dontbelonghere January 21 2004, 22:38:17 UTC
we listened to your cd this morning in mike panek's car.
<333 i want one.
ohh big league chew.
ohhh memories of being five.
ohh david. you = awesome.



sademodavid January 22 2004, 01:34:46 UTC
ooo.. i'll get you one,
i dont even have one yet. haha.
oh my goodness, you = also awesome.


dontbelonghere January 22 2004, 01:45:06 UTC
ohmygoodness, you!
make me smile. <3


__bikinikill January 21 2004, 23:56:22 UTC
big league chew. yummmmmm

i like grape the best.


sademodavid January 22 2004, 01:07:03 UTC
i like grape too :)


dontbelonghere January 22 2004, 01:45:52 UTC
yuck alsfjhjlafhdsuocndosin i hate grape. blabljeauofheuihfoej.


dontbelonghere January 22 2004, 01:46:13 UTC



a_broken_memory January 24 2004, 22:02:03 UTC
Big league chew is the best. I used to pack as much in my mouth as I could w/that stuff. Mmmm. That sounds sexual..does it not? Ha


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