Feb 19, 2011 16:30
[ There is something Philip has been wondering for a while now. Today he would like to share this thought with the mansion. ]
Alors, euh, je me suis demandé ce qu--
... [ No. Wait. That... doesn't sound right. He laughs nervously. Must've been a weird slip-up. ]
Je m-- [ And there it is again. ]
Je... me suis... de... mandé...
[ ... ]
Anglais. [ He stops, exhales in disbelief. Says the next part very slowly and carefully. ]
...Quelque chose en anglais.
[ Neither English nor something in English seems to be working. Maybe if he just tried to-- RAPID SHAKESPEARIAN QUOTE ATTACK! ] Etre, ou ne pas être, c'est là la question. Y a-t-il plus de noblesse d'âme à-- Putain!
[ ...Nope. ]
{ ...You know, whoever is responsible for this is a bloody genius. I'm genuinely embarrassed that I didn't come up with the giant OUT OF ORDER sign on your entire English language section. Tant pis pour toi, eh? }
[ Yeah, apart from the tough shit sentiment he didn't exactly get any of that, but it's probably for the better.
He sighs and rubs his temples. This isn't happening. ]
...C'est pas vrai. [ SIGH, take 2. ] Bon, alors...
Est-ce que vous me comprenez encore?
[ Do you still understand him, mansion? Please say oui. PLEASE JUST SAY OUI. ]
[[ OOC: I'm confident that my tagging is slow enough without adding awkward translation time to it, so most of everything else he says will either be summed up in the narration or said in English with a 'Disclaimer: Insert French-sounding gibberish here' sticker attached to it. With everything else I apologise in advance for any errors my French will most definitely and without a shadow of doubt may or may not contain. ]]
[hub mccann],
[shannon beist],
[edogawa conan],
mon aéroglisseur est plein d'anguilles,
not helping the socialising much,
[kanaya maryam],
[kurt hummel]