I've been drawing the show out for MONTHS now, as it is one of those rare ones I do not seem to want to declare "over", but I finally committed to the last two eps yesterday....
It occurs to me that The Call of the Wild , and the post- CoTW quest takes on a different tone when one is terrified of the cold. As I am terrified of the cold. I think its supposed to be an adventure? An extremely dangerous but overall enjoyable experience?
What I get out of it is a metaphorical, mythical journey through a frozen hell, a variation on Orpheus and Eurydice, where Kowalski follows Fraser into a nightmare landscape because he so afraid of losing Fraser that he'd be willing to risk life and limb in order to hold onto him. In a way, Kowalski PROVES himself to Fraser by refusing to stand aside and let him leave.
Which makes Fraser some sort of seductive hell-demon of the ice and snow? A siren of the tundra? IDK
(This is brought to you partially by it being somewhat less than blisteringly hot today. Fall is creeping up. I do not approve.)