Well, knitting AND bandom. Both at the same time. Because bandom-knitwear seems to be what my brain wants to do.
SO, about a month and a half ago, I had an (absurdly G rated) dream in which I met Frank Iero. He dream-admired the pair of fingerless gloves I was wearing, and I dream-gifted them to him (I know, right? This, all of one week after a dream in which Adam Lambert and Ray Vecchio conversed about tie tacks. My brain, apparently shipping fandom/ accessories). Being strange, I since decided to design and knit a very similar pair of fingerless gloves.
This, my very fist sort-of original pattern!
I had recently knit my very own
Darkside Cowl (rav link) and loved the crazy-awesome zig-zag lightning stitch pattern. It looks quick and unpredictable and likely to spin around at the slightest notice. Very, Frankie, perhaps?
I combined that with some points of
Fetching and other glove/ mitten patterns, and came up with these
Click to embiggen:
The red pair seem to be MINE, and the purple pair are destined for
zabira, as she has encouraged this madness since its inception (and convinced me to start a third pair to be mailed to their namesake, because I seem to be the sort of fangirl who SENDS KNITTING PROJECTS TO BAND MEMBERS, WTF.)
I can put together an actualfax pattern if anyone cares?
(erm, there seems to be a Gerard Way inspired scarf knocking around my brain. Suddenly, I am designing a line of MCR handknits. This is the strangest fannish offshoot ever, y?)
ION: Smart phones. AWESOME. I've had a
Droid Eris for Verizon since Wednesday, and I'm already wondering why I held out so long. I HATE the telephone, but I clearly adore the internet and email, and would much rather spend the money on a gadget that tracks bus arrivals and twitter updates and shows me youtube vids of, say,
William Beckett writhing around onstage (THANK YOU, Z! *dies*). It's much better than paying for a shiny pocket watch that calls my wife.